Friday, November 23, 2007


Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. This one was particularly special because our whole family was together for the first time in about 10 years. And the family has grown a bit since then. We have 5 new boys since then. Abby has a beautiful home where we gathered to consume a months worth of food in about 10 minutes. It was delicous! Abby is a wonder offiering her home to us when her little Jake is only 1 month old. It has been fun having the PA DeSpain's here..they've been shooting real guns with their dad and grampa jim also to the U basketball game. We had a fun sleepover on Wednesday night. Yesterday I got to snuggle up with Jake, the newest member of our family and that is about as good as it gets. Food was eaten, Pictures were taken and games were played! It was great. Abby does a Thanksgiving dinner, with the help of Whit as good as both their gramas. June and Maude would be proud. I am thankful for you all. Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Today is my first babysitting job in about 5 years, since Luke was born. Abby is being brave and going to get a massage (she deserves it) and I, as the grama get to tend little Jake. He will be well taken care of. I think that anyone who has had a baby has that swaying thing built in the minute a baby is put in your arms. I have many things planned for our day together. First we will watch "All my Children" together, then I am sure he will need to be fed and changed.. we will probably walk around in the yard together if it is warm and then come in and watch "Hardball, with Chris Matthews" I feel that children should learn early all about politics and Chris is the best teacher. By then Abby will probably be home, and I will lay down in my bed for a much needed rest after all the energy spent watching this little boy. (by the way, did you know that he is walking, pottytrained, and can read) He is a genius. Have a nice day, I'm sure I will.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Letter to our mom, grama

To all my sister, nieces, daughters, nephew, son and anyone else interested I thought it would be kind of interesting to write a letter to mom and tell her what's been happening in the last 10 years. Mom died November 6, 1997.
Dear Mom, When you died Dad had a struggle. We rose to the occasion, but mostly Tyler rose. He stayed with Gramps til he died. I'm sure he will get a big hug from you when you see him. I had 5 children, 1 daughterinlaw and 1 grandson (the first great grandchild, but who's counting) Dad got to see our Jack when he was just a few hours old. He was amazed to hold a two hour old baby. Abby got married ,so now we have another soninlaw, Mike Latimer..they just added to our family with little Jake and I am sure that Mike will win the hands on dad award. Abby moved to a new house. Tyler moved several times and has now bought a condo. He finished at the University of Utah with a degree in Sociology, but found he didn't have the calling for social work, so he works for some big computer company. You would be proud! Both Tyler and Whitney had the fun of living with Jolyn for a year. Whitney has travelled the world with Jolyn and family and is at the University of Utah. Jamey and Becky have lived various places since you left us. They've lived in Mexico, back to SLC, then back to Pennsylvania where they live now and get to see Gabi and Brad who don't live too far from them. Jamey has his boys involved in all sports. The kids you never got to see were Jack, Hogan, and Luke. Luke is kind of little, but tough..he plays a mean game of soccer. Jack and Taylor and Hogan play basketball, baseball and golf. We think Hogan might be the athlete in that family..he does everything so naturally. I got sick blah blah getting better now. I have fun visits with Aunt Ginny, since she lives so close, we see her more and I took her to the hospital to meet Jake..She is doing fine and is honored to fill in for you. We've done some improvements to our house. I think you would love my bedroom! ( Your lovely furniture has added some class to our home.) I teach Sunday School and Jim is the YM President. We are waiting (somewhat anxiously) to hear if he has a new job or no if you have any pull, it would be appreciated. OH, I forgot Jim and I got to go to England and that summer both Whitney and Nick went on School abroad programs. Nick decided he loved England so much that he went back and got his Masters Degree in creative writing at a University there. He has written a novel which an agent liked, but he has to make some changes, which he is working on. I'm sure you will get lots of news from all the others, but I want you to tell Dad that Jacoby Ellsbury is a member of the Boston Red Sox and they just won the world series, he's not even a rookie yet and he played the whole time. Dad finally got the athelete you always dreamed of.....Love, Polly