Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Black Jack

I have a very special nephew.  He's not just a nephew, he's a friend.  He visits when I'm sick, he makes me laugh, he likes to sit and chat about stuff, oh and did I say he makes me laugh?? Last night we had kind of an informal party for dinner.  Benji and Bud stopped by to eat.  Then Tyler dropped in.  Whitney and Melanie came over after Yoga and then Jason dropped in.  Jim was off entertaining the YM, so after dinner Nick and the rest of the group sat down to watch the finals of American Idol...much more fun to watch as a group than by yourself.  We all had much to say about the singing while Whitney and Jason sat looking on appalled ( they are not fans) cast our votes and then the party broke up. Afterwards Nick, Benji and I visited for awhile.  Again I was reminded that Benji  not only has a funny sense of humor, but is also very wise when it comes to religion, relationships and a number of other topics.  I'm glad he came to visit along with the rest of the crowd.  They are welcome anytime!!  It is great to feel good and have people over to share the feeling with.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Beautiful Whitney

I was rushed the other day and put a not very attractive photo of my daughter on my blog. She is beautiful and I am sorry for misrepresenting her to the world. (Refer to her birthday blog) That is how she really looks, or go sign up for her yoga class to see how lovely and graceful she is!!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

This is the beautiful Melanie, she comes to visit us once in a while and brings Tyler with her. We love having her around. Yesterday they came over and gave me James Taylor tickets for Mothers Day!!!!

Whitney helped Jim fix a delicious dinner and set a beautiful table. It looked perfect because of her special touch. Nick brought me flowers, with a little money tucked inside for some flowers to plant outside. He was especially thoughtful and brought Abby flowers for her first Mothers day too! Then he rocked Jake to sleep. Abby and I didn't mean to dress just alike, but I guess great minds think alike. (We are both mother's of great people). It was fun to share the day with my beautiful daughter. Jim worked hard fixing the meal for Abby and I. We loved having the Latimer's over and of course Jim had fun with Jake. Having the Jazz win made it a perfect day. Now I get to start planting flowers!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Different Place

I spent some time recently in a different place with a different group of people. They were strangers who soon became beloved friends. Somehow it was different there. Things were simpler. If someone slipped up, everyone was sad, but encouraging... if someone got their feelings hurt, they got their feelings hurt and then they got over it. When anyone accomplished the simplist of tasks everyone was happy. When somebody moved on we were sad, because we would miss our brother or sister, but so happy that they were progressing. We found pleasure in small things. Fresh air, music, quiet meditation, prayer, an understanding heart. I love the people in this different place and the angels who showed us the way. I stand in awe of these new friends. They have such grace, such dignity and love in their heart for all people. They are truly Christ like. When I went to the different place I didn't know anyone, but I was loved and accepted no matter what...I was taught what being unselfish was truly like. Sometimes I was taught this by someone who was a bit rough around the edges. I found out that angels are sometimes rough around the edges. I have a friend who is leaving "A Different Place" tomorrow...How I love her and want her to know how important and special she is and what a great thing she has accomplished. Not many people realize how difficult a challenge this has been and how strong a person must be to recognize their problem, be humble, be obedient, have faith and then brave enough to face the world on their own. I love seeing her bright shining face and the beautiful smile that radiates from her. She shines! She is loved by God and by her friends in A different place....