Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Jack

Today is Jack's birthday.  He is my second grandson.  Can't believe he's fourteen years old!  These quotes are on the wall in his room and they say it all.  He is determined, positive, kind, thoughtful, and he wants to do whats right.  I love to watch him play baseball.  Whatever he is involved in, he never quits trying.

Happy Birthday Jack
Love Grama

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Summertime Fun

It's been a week of fun around here.  The 4th of July was spent lounging around Abby's pool, except I really wouldn't use the word lounging with this bunch.  Jake and Sam love the water and it looks like our little Wren is going to be a water baby too!

Jim and I usually try to get to Logan to see the car show held over this weekend.  It's fun to go visit our old Utah State stomping grounds.  Jim loves to wander around and see all the cars.  Even Batman was there.

I like to watch Jim have fun and take pictures.  I even got a picture of Santa in red shorts!  Who knew he visited the car show in the summer??

Before we left Logan, we visited our old Trailer Court.  Sad to say, there is nothing left of our old home other than the field in the upper right hand corner.  Nothing left but lots of good memories of our first two children when they were tiny, the many friends we went through school with and all that goes with those years.  We decided to go the round about way home and visit Montpelier.  On the way we saw the lovely old Paris Idaho Tabernacle.  We then wandered the streets of Montpelier looking for John A. Bagley's home, (He was the attorney general of Idaho and entertained Teddy Roosevelt in this home.)  It is also where my Grandfather was born.  This was the only house that looked like the pictures.  We then went into a gas station and asked a lady if there was a historic district where we could find a large victorian home.  She said " oh, the Bagley mansion is the only one in town."  She also turned out to be a relative!  So we found the home.  All of Grampa's stories came to life.  Nice way to spend a Saturday.
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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day in my Neighborhood

Because of the courage and bravery of our Founding Fathers, we today are celebrating the birth of our Nation.  How blessed to be living in such a beautiful country.  To have the opportunities and freedoms that sometimes we take for granted.  Because of their (our Founding Fathers) foresight we are able to enjoy activities like we do in our neighborhood. 

We gather as neighbors for a breakfast where we celebrate the birth of our nation, our friendship and our blessings.  We are grateful to the Jorgensen's who have hosted this for about 33 years.  The neighbors participate in setting up, preparing the food, and clean up.  Hundreds show up, many who have grown up here bring their children back for the fun.

There's a mix of old times and new comers.  Everyone is welcome and feels it.   

After the breakfast we get ready for the parade!  You can't have the 4th of July without a parade and a popcycle!

We've got our Grand Marshall, we've got our Royalty, we've got children on decorated bikes, we've got our spectators!  Who could ask for more?

Happy Independence Day!

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