Wednesday, November 27, 2013


From the time I was small, I always loved Thanksgiving.  We spent our holiday at my grandmother's or in our home, where the table was set with lovely china and the aroma of turkey came from the kitchen. 

I loved setting the table, I loved the gleam of the silverware. I loved being with the family, having everyone sit down together.  I loved that my grandmothers and my mother, strived to make things nice for their families.  I especially am grateful for the way these people lived their lives.  They were all hardworking, loving people.  They loved their families and they loved the gospel.  They set an example for those that would follow. 

When our kids were little, we split our time between Jim's family and mine.  Each was equally nice.  I learned from Maude how to make Yams (the right way).  We were all having kids at the same time, so where ever we went for Thanksgiving it was crazy, with lots of noise, but lots of fun as the cousins grew up together.  I am grateful for parents and in-laws who loved us so.  Nothing made them happier than gathering their families together, and as I get older I understand the joy they felt when they got to have everybody together. 

As our children got older, I have had Thanksgiving in our home, most of the time.  We've done different things a few years, yet I still enjoy making the meal, setting the table and gathering everyone together.   
We are grateful to be having Thanksgiving with Ty and Melanie this year.  Just have to show up with a few dishes and enjoy the day.  Loving the day as always, remembering those that are gone, and enjoying those who surround me.
Happy Thanksgiving..Where ever you may be.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Tuesday With Wren

I went up to see Whitney and Wren today.
  Had a good time seeing them, watching Wren play,
walking and having lunch at City Creek.

Took this picture of the Temple as we walked by. 
What a lovely Tuesday.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

"Why God Made Little Boys" And Adding Another to Our Gang

"Why God Made Little Boys"
God made the world out of His dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans and streams,
Prairies and plans and wooded land,
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of mountains, to conquer the seas,
Explore the plains and climb the trees.
Someone to start out small and to grow,
Sturdy, strong as a tree.."  And so,
He created boys, full of spirit and fun,
To explore and conquer, to romp and run.
With dirty faces and banged up chins,
With courageous hearts and boyish grins.
When He had completed the task He'd begun
He surely said "A job well done."
~Author Unknown
We've got a houseful of boys in our family. 
They love to climb, explore..they are full of spirit and fun.
They do stand tall, are courageous and I love their boyish grins.
We are about to add another boy to this group.  Tyler and Melanie told us this week that Dylan is having a little brother.  He will be well loved by this group.
And so.. our beautiful Wren..
remains our little princess.
loved and taken care of by her army of cousins.
God made the world with towering trees,
Majestic mountains and restless seas.
Then paused and said, "it needs one more thing..
Someone to laugh and dance and sing.
To walk in the wood and gather flowers..
To commune with nature in quiet hours."
So God made little girls
With laughing eyes and bouncing curls,
With joyful hearts and infectious smiles,
Enchanting ways and feminine wiles.
And when He'd completed the task He'd begun.
He was pleased and proud of the job He'd done.
For the world, when seen through little girl's eyes
Greatly resembled Paradise.
~Author Unknown

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Being a Grandmother, Autumn Days, Grandkids

"I loved their home.  Everything smelled older, worn but safe; the food aroma had baked itself into the furniture." 
~Susan Strasberg
This is how I felt about my grandparents and their homes. 
 Both sets of grandparents lived close by and I visited them often. 
 I loved the feeling I had as I entered their home.  The homes were old and worn,
 but I felt safe and secure there. 
There were delicious smells and certain objects that stand out in my mind. 
 My Grandma Lundgren's old stove and her black phone in the hallway. 
I loved her big front yard with the roses that ran along the sides.
  Grandma Bagley's home had an old hand washing machine in the basement and a laundry shoot.  They had a huge garden and a fish pond. 
I am a different kind of grandmother.  I tend three of my grandchildren on a regular basis. 
 I sometimes worry that they will think of me as a babysitter rather than a grama,
 so I try hard to have fun, rather than discipline. 
 Plenty of hugs and loves, but I want them to learn from me as well. 
When we pick up Jake from school, Sam always points out the Temple, so whenever he sees it we start singing
"I love to see the Temple" 
 when he can't see it we stop..then when he sees it again, we start up again. 
Yesterday it was Veterans Day. 
 There were lots of flags waving as we drove along.  I explained to my young audience that their great grandfather had fought in a war to keep them free.
 Sam's reaction to this was
 "You've got to be kidding me!!!" 
 I said
"NO, I am not kidding!!!"  
 I told them, " That's why the flags were waving"
so, they started counting the flags. 
When we got home Mike had raked up a lovely pile of leaves..
he should have put them in bags and carted them away, because we had a lesson on how the leaves fall during the autumn..
Jake said, as he usually does 
"It's a beautiful fall day!"
And then the leaves got spread all over the yard!

Sam and Dylan love jumping in the leaves!!!

Wren came over..she wasn't so sure.

Jake likes the leaves,
 but would rather climb a tree.
So whatever kind of grandmother I am, my relationship with all of them is simple. 
 I don't know what they will remember about me, but I will remember days like these. 
The beauty of an autumn day.  Their smiling faces as they play and ask questions, and learn, their arms around my neck,
 and that I love them. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

"Gratitude unlocks the Fullness of Life..."

I always try to keep a gratitude journal.  I like to remind myself of the little things that bring me joy. At this time of year when it gets dark earlier.  (something that I do not like, I am a sun lover)  I try and think what makes me happy when the sun goes down. 

Curling up with a blanket to watch my favorite show.  Lately it's been Blacklist on Monday night.  Makes me look forward to the start of the week.
Socks on my feet.
Warm baths.
Extra Quilts on my bed.

As the days get shorter, instead of dwelling on that fact.  I think and am grateful for  the coming holidays.  Loving Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

And of course when it snows.. being able to enjoy it inside from a warm home.

A few thoughts on gratitude as I go into this lovely month.

And one of my all time favorite songs. 
Love this...

Happy November.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Birthday Dylan

Dylan turns three years old today! 
What a fun little boy he is. 
He loves Cars and trucks, he loves to climb, run, ride horses,
and play with his cousins
He's got the best smile and laugh. 
Had the best time today watching him drive his new tractor around down at the farm! 
 Sure love you Dylan. 
Have a Happy Day. 
love, grama