I was blessed with a heritage that continues to guide even as I grow older.
I am a grandmother now, and each day I think of my grandparents and the influence they had on me. I loved being around them.
They taught me by their example.
They were hard workers, they were funny, they were gardeners, they loved their families.
They loved the gospel and taught me to love it too.
Nothing made my grandparents happier than when their grandchildren were around.
We played in the orchard and among their flowers.
We sang and we were loved.
We were taught values and what was right and wrong and why our pioneer ancestors came across the plains.
We knew were we came from.
My parents continued that tradition.
Showering great amounts of love onto their grandchildren.
They loved being with them.
Showed them how to work how to play and enjoy life.
They too had strong testimonies that carried them through happy and sad times.
They would be proud of their posterity.
These are my darlings.
I try to be the grandmother like those who preceded me.
It's a different world.
Things happen so quickly.
I love these grandchildren so much and am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of their lives.
I hope I can influence them for good as my grandparents did.
The most important thing is to love them.
That part I have down!!
"Grandchildren..Sunshine to my soul"
"Grandchildren..Sunshine to my soul"