Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Happy Birthday to Tyler

What better way to come out of my sabbatical, than to talk about Tyler..Thursday August 30th, he will be 33!!!!! Can't believe it! It has been such an interesting and fun experience to watch Tyler, because he has always had that easy going personality. He's the only child that I didn't experience morning sickness..He was born in one hour...He slept when he was suppose to almost from the beginning..for the first 6 months he didn't do much moving around. I had been in a car crash before I knew I was pregnant and we were getting a little worried that the medicine given me, might have affected Tyler, but that turned out to be false..I learned that he just does things in his own time, and he usually gets it right. He was a fun little kid, with just a few weird hangups. When he was around six he had to play in a piano recital, and then Jim was going to take him to a jazz game. I guess I didn't prepare him properly, because he got to the library where the recital was held and looked at how many people were there. All the piano students were sitting in a row in front. Tyler was there one minute and then I looked up and he was gone! I found him crawling under my chair, with his hands around his throat, like he was having some sort of seizure or something..Jim said if he didn't get up there and play he couldn't go to the jazz game. It still took Ty about 20 minutes to get up the nerve. Luckily his teacher was a very easy going kind woman who said whenever he decides he can come up and play. When he decided he jumped up, went and played his piece and was out of there. Tyler continued to be shy as he grew. When he was a scout and they had a joint activity I had to bribe him to do square dancing. He was my partner and on one turn when I faced back to my partner..he had disappeared! He ran home! One place he wasn't shy was on any kind of sports event. He knew from a very young age how to think while playing any sport. He always knew what the other guys were going to do. I loved watching Tyler play basketball in High School..sometimes when they were in timeout and getting the game plan, he'd look up and wink at me..I remember yelling "get the ball". He said to me later..."Mom, what do you think I am trying to do." I quit yelling after that. Ty loved being with Grampa Jiggs. They were best friends and had so much fun together. I know that grampa had a huge impact on Tyler..Tyler remembered all that love and support when his grama died. Moving in with Gramps and generally watching over his best friend. We are all grateful for what he did. Ty, you continue to do well in whatever you put your mind to...To any girls out there reading the blog, he would make a great catch (Sorry, Tyler, I couldn't resist). Anyway I hope you have a Happy year. We love you lots.

1 comment:

whit said...

That was a cute tribute to Ty..Happy Birthday Ty!!!!!