Monday, December 10, 2007

Professor DeSpain

I am a day late writing about this unbelieveable person, which isn't very nice, because he did me the courtesy of being born a week early. But if you can believe it Nicholas John DeSpain turned 29 yesterday...December 9th. He has been an interesting and fun child since birth.. When he was in kindergarten we were told by the principal that he was a genius...which of course we all ready knew..First grade was his glory year and then for some reason grades 2-5 were rather challenging..(something to do with geniusus) although he won regional Reflection prizes for his writing. He started young with his love of writing. Around 6th grade he came around and turned into the funny, sensitive, helpful young man that he has been ever since. When he was in High School he was in charge of the school literary magazine, with a bunch of crazy girls and maybe one other boy. He pulled that off with great patience and fortitude and they created a truly great magazine. He also won first place in some writing contest where we went up to the University of Utah and his story was read to the whole audience. Very proud parents! He has had some health problems, that sometime have held him back from the things he has wanted to do, learn and write...but he has overcome problems and continued on his path, writing 3 books...travelling to Europe by himself for a month...graduating from the UofU, doing a semester abroad in France...and then researched for the best writing school and finding it in Norwich , England where he lived for a year and received his masters degree in Creative Writing. While there he was chosen to go to a writing seminar in Barcelona Spain...and I think it was around this time that he met up with Whitney and friends in Paris.. When he finished school he came home where a publisher wanted him to make some changes in his book before they were willing to publish...which he is working on right now...He worked for a while at this crazy place called ACS (where most of the family is employed) but you do have to be a certain kind of person to enjoy working there. Of course Nick made many friends, but had a hard time getting paid nothing when high school dropouts were his bosses. Why on earth had he gone through all that schooling to end up here! Actually it was just a time out...because he soon found work being an adjunct prof at Salt Lake Community College and Westminster College. He had to start at the bottom ( He taught at the prison first) but remains committed to helping the lovely people in prison learn, and expand their minds ( without the use of drugs or guns or whatever got them there in the first place)...then on to regular classes at SLCC and Westminster. He has loved teaching and I am sure his students love him..But now of course he has found another opportunity. He applied for and went through an interview process which is taking him on another Turkey.....the country. Nick has friends all over the world that he keeps in contact with and I am sure he will continue to make many more all of different nationalities. He in very tolerant and easy to talk to and people seem drawn to him. He will be a great ambassador for our state and family to the world.. (My first thought when he told me he got the job, was the it was election year) Who would I talk politics with...Marty, you'll have to put up with me calling you even more. So everybody start packing bags and planning trips to Greece and surrounding areas so you can stop in and see Nick. He is a joy to have around and I guess I will just have to share him with the world. I am grateful to be the mom of such an amazing young man!


Jake said...

Wow! Turkey! Good for him! Happy Birthday, Nick...

mama jo said...

i'm there with's the greatest place..

Travelin'Oma said...

Happy Birthday to Nick! This will be a fantastic adventure to include in his memoirs.

al + sar said...

wow, tell him happy birthday and congrats on turkey!