Sunday, January 20, 2008

Rembering My Dad

It was my dad's birthday on Friday Jan.18th. I wanted to write a few things that I learned from him. I learned early that he loved and cherished our mom. He treated her with respect (she deserved every bit of that respect). He was a fun man. He liked to laugh and do fun things. When we were little and the Las Vegas Bagley's would come in the summer, I remember Uncle Mel and dad joking and having fun with each other. They looked so much alike. They were two characters and I often wonder how their mom, my grama Bagley handled them as boys.

I just watched the movie "Glory Road" about the first black team to win the NCAA in 1966. Exactly the time we were growing up. Watching that movie reminded me of our fun days in church basketball. The coach of the team (In the movie) kind of looked like dad - same hair, glasses, clothes. Growing up and watching Dad coach those boys and teach them life lessons was where I learned some important life lessons. Dad let me take stats during all the games and I felt so important, sometimes even at halftime he wanted to look at them and always at the end of the game. So I learned the fundamentals of that game, but it also brought me into his world of sports and made me feel apart of it all. They used to have a thing in Primary called a "Daddy-Daughter Date". I went to every single one through my years in primary. They were held at the University of Utah watching the Utes play basketball. I found out later that they were really held at the church with dinner and learning to dance or play some game or something. I think I had way more fun going to the games. Dad taught me to never give up.. Perserverence always and having confidence that you could do anything you set your mind to. Dad never gave up...he always found ways to come out on top. His mind never stopped working. Dad loved the church, he loved music, he loved sports, he loved his kids and he loved mom. I think that is the only time I saw him give up and it is when he died, and he didn't really give up, he just went forward to be with mom. The first 40 years of my life I felt like I had his teaching down to perfection. I became a good salesmen under his watchful eye, and took over when he died. I felt like I had raised my kids right and loved that they all got to have time with him and learn from him. OH, how he loved those grandkids! But I wasn't really ever tested until I got sick and felt like giving up everyday. He is with me always, saying "you can beat this Polly". I am ashamed to say that I have fallen many times in this battle to get well physically and emotionally, but I do get up again, thanks to my dad. He won't let me quit. So I thank him for giving me life and then teaching me how to live life to its fullest. He sure did! Happy Birthday to my dad.


Travelin'Oma said...

This is a great tribute to our awesome dad. Thanks for the memories.

mama jo said...

that was beautiful...and you haven't given're still here aren't you? so you learned the lesson well...