Saturday, August 30, 2008

Happy 34th Tyler!!!

We all know what a good looking
guy Ty is now...but just look at
how cute he was when he was
a baby! Look at those BIG brown
Tyler has always been
a happy person. Many don't
know that he plays the piano beautifully.. He learned to grow that gorgeous hair of his
when he was just a young boy,
and of course he learned
early how to play the field.
(the sports field)

Tyler during those
"ackward" years.
(before braces)
Jim's only child to
bag a deer!

Ty learning to read..playing basket-ball for Alta High School and on one of his many dates.
And below, always trying to perfect
his game! Hope you have a
great day. Red Velvet Cake will
be ready whenever you get here
Happy Birthday, Love, mom

Friday, August 29, 2008

Summer Evenings

The other night as we were celebrating Marie's 80th birthday, I was reminded of the many wonderful evenings in Grama and Grampa Bagley's backyard.  I loved Grampa's cherry's, raspberry's and his wonderful corn on the cob.  All things that he grew in his garden.  Summers were always special, gathering with cousins, eating the delicious bounty that Grampa grew and singing late as little ones fell asleep on their dad's laps.  I decided there was one song that had a beautiful melody and feel of those memories, but needed a little rewrite, so here is what I came up with.  Let me know how you feel about it.

Oh, there's taters in the oven, they are roasting nice and brown;
and we'll have some watermelon, when the season roles around.
In the pantry there's some chicken, in the smokehouse there's some ham,
I love to dream of summer evenings, when the snow lay on the ground.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The PA DeSpain Gang

As Summer starts winding down, and the kids get ready to go
back to school, it's fun to look
at some of the fun things that kept them busy this summer
The PA DeSpain's never
lack for something to do!
They've played baseball,
They've watched a lot of baseball...

They spend a lot of time swimming, and
out of doors. They've been golfing, been to
water parks and watched fireworks.

Hogan has been playing on
a travelling soccer team this month, and Luke is also playing soccer. They never stop. I'm sure
James and Becky will be happy when school starts, so they can
just sit down for a minute
or two. We've missed them
this summer, and are looking
forward to Christmas this year!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rodgers and Hammerstein

Jake was just a lonely little
ten month old....

so we decided to
invite a friend over
to play.

My friend, Teri
brought her little
grandson, Warren over.

At first
Jake was a little
confused. "Who is
this new intruder and
why do I have to share
my toys with him?"

But soon, they learned
important principals....
like sharing and listening
to one another's problems...
they really learned to

Jake and Warren found
that they had a lot
in common, in fact
they learned, that they
both have a great need
to fill the world with...

Can't you just
see the lyrics pouring out
of Jake?
And Warren is catching
each word with the most
mezmerizing music you've
ever heard..
The world will
never be the same..

Monday, August 25, 2008

Marta's a Mother!

Sending Marta a big bouquet of flowers on this wonderful day. Hope you can relax and just get to know your little
guy! Congratulations!!!!
Love, Aunt Polly

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Unite the Clans

I read in the paper today that "Obama and McCain plan to pull ads on Sept.11 that criticize (attack) each other , a respite from the political fray to honor the anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks."  I am very interested in politics, but I will admit freely I do not understand them at all.  I think I have a simple mind.  From all I read both candidates and both political parties want the same things for our country.  Both sides have common goals for Americans.  To be prosperous, happy, lower taxes, secure, educated...the list goes on.  But how to reach that common goal is where it always gets so difficult.  When I read that for a day the two candidates won't be attacking one another to honor those that died in another attack I think everyone has gone nuts!!  As I said, maybe I am just a simple minded person, but why can't there be some give and take?  Why can't two sides see that there might be a little bit of good on the other side?  Here is a total never going to happen example:  What if McCain and Obama ran as Co- Presidents?  What if McCain appreciated and let Obama run with his youth, energy and enthusiasm...his ability to energize the people, his new ideas for change, because this old country needs change every few decades or so...and not be envious, but proud of him and what he brings to the country?  And why couldn't Obama look to McCain with love and admiration for his many years of service for his wisdom, his determination and leadership skills and will to live and great love of country and want to sit at his feet and learn from him?  And then the two of them work together?  Wow, Can anyone ever see that happening?  
     I know that I'm really going off now into the realm of unreality and romance, but a line from the movie "Braveheart" always sticks with me when things seem ununified and like they are falling apart.  William Wallace is fighting for Scotland's freedom from England and no one can agree how to go about it.  He knows that only by getting the Nobles and the Peasants to agree to be One, will they achieve that goal and William begs them to "Unite the Clans"  for freedom.
     We learned in Relief Society on Sunday that Zion is any place where people are of like mind.  Whether it is a family, a ward, a land, a Country... and when people are united they can work miracles.  So Obama and McCain...don't just stop attacking for one day to honor those who died on 9/11 - stop attacking each other every day and start working to UNITE our country everyday to honor them and every other person who has given their life for our freedom and for our Country.  The UNITED States can work miracles!!!!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Some of us are just too cute to take life seriously

Time flies when you're having fun.
And we do. It seems like just a while ago, all this little guy did was lay around and sleep and eat. Today we raced around the house together, and I do mean race, because Jake is walking. We went to Disneyland (my name for his playroom, every toy moves and plays music like "It's a Small World") We went swimming and then lounged in our lounge chairs...never too young to be one with the sun... oh, and then we finally napped. This is the life....

Thursday, August 14, 2008

We are a Blessed People

How fun to be invited over to Teri's for a beautiful dinner. She makes everyone who walks through her door feel special and welcome. Whether you drop by for chili on a scary Halloween, greeted by a fire at her front door, or walk through her giant door sized wreath at Christmas time, or just wander into her backyard in the summer, to be greeted with an icy diet coke. She's there to welcome you with a smile and the KelKemp Hug!

Where could you find a more beautiful place to gather, but in her backyard? Wednesday night our Relief Society got together for a lovely dinner, to relax and enjoy one another's company. We had a great guest speaker, Ann Cannon, who writes for the Tribune and is also Lavelle Edwards daughter. She is very funny as she talked about life, the church, and sisterhood. Although the sisterhood part our sweet ladies don't need to learn much about. This ward is living example of caring for one another, learning from one another and just being there for each other. All ages from the kids to the grama's come together as sisters in this special place.

Of course Dale (Teri's husband) is always around to make sure that everything goes off according to plan..
and he's got a smile on his face while he's doing it!

These cuties are always there to lend a hand. When asked to do anything, Maren jumps up saying "That's why I'm here" and with a smile on her face and her pal Megan's, they do whatever. (And I'm not joking) They do it with a smile and a big hug for who ever is in their way.

Whether sisters by birth or sisters here on earth. It doesn't matter. The feeling is the same.

Beautiful women.....

Sister Eberling, one of the many I admire.

more beautiful sisters. Each has such an interesting story to tell. who do you think has a great sense of humor and always wears stylish clothes, who was a school teacher?a wartime bride?who is a missionary? and who has a posterity of over 150?

In our ward their is always music...and we love it!

Alot of us have lived here for over 30 years and never want to leave..The people that move in love it and want to live here for 30 years and never want to leave.
We are a blessed people.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Dear old Friends

My friend Pat. She is a beautiful woman. She never stops serving others. Her musical talents bless the lives of everyone she knows. She has created a tradition of music our ward has been enjoying for the last 30 years. She is the worlds greatest
shopper, whether you want a bargain for your home, clothing, the perfect gift, to give a party...whatever. Her karma leads her to the deal of the century. She is loved by her family, friends, children..all those she meets, and she is loved by me.

Many years ago, Pat and I became interested in
gardening. We loved the beautiful flowers
emerging after a dreary winter. We would get so excited in the spring and would run back and forth to our different yards to see the progress. Eventually I built what would be called "Upper Garden", because my yard is terraced and you had to go up some old stairs to enter my secret sanctuary. Pat's garden was in the lower half of her yard and so became "lower garden". One year we both had candle lit chandeliers and at dusk had to run back and forth to our different gazebo's to enjoy the ambience of the flickering candlelight. Of course the children thought we were nuts! But what a joy our gardens have been. A place to go to laugh, to cry, to pour out our hearts to that dear one who understands...

Last summer Pat decided to build a cottage for her grandchildren to play, sleepout in and for herself to hideout in...and so the project was begun and this summer..

She has been able to enjoy both her
beautiful perennial garden and her new cottage in her backyard. The cottage is such a reflection of Pat. It is beautiful like she is. In perfect taste..(you would never know it was decorated on a dime). She can rock away the hours on the front porch, or go upstairs and curl up and watch a favorite movie or listen to some great music while have a lovely view of her flowers. The grandkids can
fold out mats for sleepovers and play
their video games as well.

Everything has the perfect "Pat" touch...Her joy is finding treasures that cost $2.09 or under. PAT IS NOT CHEAP!!!!!!!! It is her hobby. She is talented and smart. Why would you spend a ton of money if you could have a room look like this for less? She should be on Oprah!

And so her "Lower Garden" has become "Lower Garden and Cottage". The beauty of her home reflects the beauty of the woman. And that is how it should be. A home is an extention of the woman who lives there. Pat's home is an extention of herself and she welcomes the world into her home with arms open to embrace each one.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Thought for today

I've learned that I should never doubt that Heavenly Father's spirit is always with me, wherever I am.  He keeps me on the right path.  His keeping power is never at fault, only my realization of it.  I must believe in God's nearness and the availability of His grace.  It is not a question of whether He can provide a shelter from the storm, but of whether or not I seek the security of that shelter.  Every fear, worry or doubt is disloyal to God.  I must endeavor to trust Him wholly.  I practice saying: "All is going to be well." I will say it to myself until I feel it deeply.  I pray that I may feel deeply that all is well.  I pray that nothing will be able to move me from that deep conviction.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Life Lessons

About a year ago, Whitney and I drove up to the park by our Stake Center and took a little walk.  I had to hold on to her arm as we walked around the track once.  I huffed and puffed and felt light headed.  It took so much energy.  We walked so slow.  It is August 1 now, and I think if I wanted I could run up the hill to the Stake Center and around the park and back home. Thru this illness, I learned, even at the lowest point, if I will just hang on, have faith, not give up, or give in, that Heavenly Father will step in, that He loves me as He loves each one of us, so much that He will be with us as Whit was with me to help walk around the park that day.  But He does want us to be able to run to the park by ourselves, and He will be our biggest cheerleader when we do it..and as I run up the hill,  I will cry tears of gratitude that He loves me enough to stay with me and encourage me through every step of my life.  He loves me enough to teach me lessons.  My across the street neighbor said the other day "It's great to see you out planting and carrying things around your house".  I learn many lessons from this particular neighbor.  The best lesson is looking at life with joy!  If nothing else this guy is joyful!  He is a happy person.  And I guess if truth be told he has lots to be sad about.  But he never goes inward....he overcomes self and always thinks of others.  He sees the good and so he becomes joyful.  While I was sick, he was always concerned and wanted progress reports , but would focus on the good reports.  Now that I am feeling better, he comments on the great things!  I watch across the street and see their heartaches and how they handle them and am amazed at their grace and dignity and their love and enjoyment of life!  They are amazing.  I learn each day just by looking across the street at their home and watch how they conduct their lives.  How blessed am I to have neighbors like that?  And how blessed am I to feel so well and be able to enjoy the summer weather,  the view of the mountain that is so close, to be able to do yard work and to be able to tend Jake.  To have fun with friends and family.  I have truly learned to be grateful for every simple blessing in my life.