Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Baseball Players Dream!

This little baseball player has been patient this year while his brothers, Taylor and Jack went off to the Master's with their dad and Grampa..and then when Luke flew off to Utah to be a part of Whitney's wedding....

Well, all good things come to those who wait. Hogan got to go with his dad and watch the Phillies win the World Series!

Looks like one happy boy to me!

went early and caught some home run balls!

from their seats! A couple of
night's he'll never forget! (I don't
think his dad will forget it either)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Young Women Prepared

In years past our Young Women have decorated trees for the "Festival of Trees"....usually honoring the life of a loved one in our ward we have lost during the year. Happily this year we have suffered no such loss! And so, this year our tree is being dedicated to the young women of our ward. Their theme this year has been centered around the parable of the ten virgins and being prepared to meet the Savior. I was asked to be in charge of decorating the tree and have watched the yw in our ward this year (I teach some of them in my Sunday School class). They performed a musical presentation of the Ten Virgins not long ago along with our Relief Society and just watching the joy on these yw's faces as they sang about meeting the Savior was an inspiration. On Sunday..seated in Sacrament meeting, my friend Teri and I noted that we have taught all the present youth in our ward..and a large number of youth that have passed through our ward in the thirty years we have lived here. Never have I seen such strong, dedicated young women who want to do what's right and instead of joining the five foolish they are all like the five wise and continually going up the hill to the Master to have their lanterns lit. Our hope for our Young Women is that they will continue to keep their lanterns lit and hold them high..shining their light for others. Our ward is a special place and as we heard in Conference a few weeks ago we can become a Zion people and accomplish anything through unity for a righteous purpose. The people here have done that many times in the past and continue to do so as we join together with our Young Women to prepare for the Savior...our Tree is called " Feast of the Faithful". Come and see us on Dec. 1

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I can see Russia from my front door

Hi, I'm Sarah and my outfit cost $150,000. I live really close to a bunch of Russians and they are really scary. Hopefully...if I'm elected I'll be able to do something about em...until then we'll just have to make the best of it!

this guy said when I'm veep I got to be in charge of everything...can't wait!

I'm going to make her my social secretary.

the only difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull? lipstick? witch hat?

Security Advisors?

My neighbors....

I have every faith in McCain..he's a maverick, just like me! so get out to the polls and vote! we need to save the country!

Or maybe we'll get lucky and
Superman will save the day!

Monday, October 20, 2008

"The Wedding"

Just a few pictures. More professional 's to come soon...
Jim took the guy's to his tradional Saturday morning breakfast hangout..the iceberg..where, as Luke told me "no girls allowed"! Jake was happy that he is now old enough to hang with the guys...

Whitney getting ready for the big event!

It's actually happening!

Beautiful leaves and to have almost the whole family there, but missing Becky and the rest of the boys.

The happy couple...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

around the 24th Whit and Jason decided to get married!

Whit started collecting a few dishes...

She was given many parties and showers by friends and family. (among them, cute friends Annie and Meredith)

She tried on many dresses,but not quite finding the right one!...Well tomorrow is the big day.

 She finally did find the most perfect dress..that goes with her perfect guy...We're all excited for their perfect day!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Looking back...Moving forward

It's been a year since I got off prednizone and started to learn how to breath without the oxygen tank! It still took a few more months to get into shape...but it is great to feel good be healthy and enjoying Whitney's wedding this week is a miracle and a blessing I am truly greatful for!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Our Mountain

My friend and I were out today...we'd be in the middle of something and have to stop, just to look at the beautiful mountains, right outside our homes..
Sometimes it takes your breath away and you have to stop doing whatever you are doing and just say a quick prayer of thanksgiving..."thank you, Heavenly Father for letting me live in this place below the most beautiful mountains in the whole world."
Having loving friends and such a gorgeous place to share with them is like Heaven on earth.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Luke!

Luke turns six today! He loves to play baseball...

He loves to swim..

and he's got a great smile!

as you can see, he's a very determined boy..he can do anything he sets his mind to! We can't wait to see him in just a few weeks. Happy Birthday Luke! Have a Great Year.