Thursday, February 26, 2009

Has spring sprung?

Searching out in my yard today...look what I found!!!!

Actual signs that spring might be on its way!!
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

To my sisters

What would I do without my girlfriends?

This is taken from Marjorie Pay Hinckley's Small and Simple Things.
"We are all in this together. We need each other. Oh, how we need each other.
Those of us who are old need you who are young. And, hopefully,
you who are young need some of us who are old. It is a sociological fact
that women need women. We need deep and satisfying and
loyal friendships with each other.
These friendships are a necessary source of sustenance.
We need to renew our faith every day.
We need to lock arms and help build the kingdom so that it
will roll forth and fill the whole earth."

That I may be comforted together with you by the
mutual faith both of you and me.
-Romans 1:12
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Monday, February 23, 2009

The Vacation

Jake got up to play yesterday, but his parents had other plans!

They whisked him off in a BIG jet...they were going to Hawaii.

my little two binkie boy was going
off with his mom and dad. (no grama's allowed)!!!

Warm days, with beautiful beaches
await them...oh how I wish I were

maybe not!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Hogan!!

Hogan had a special birthday yesterday! He turned 8 years
old! He's a great little kid. He likes to golf,and play baseball and basketball.
He's nice to his brothers Tay, Jack and Luke...and his eyes twinkle
when he smiles! We love you Hogan! Hope you have a great year!
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Thursday, February 19, 2009


It's that time of year where I start dreaming of a pot
or two on my front porch...oh not anything so exotic
as a geranium, but maybe a primrose or a few pansies,
just to let me know spring is on its way.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Whitney(tomorrow)

Besides being all of these things...Whit is a Yoga Instructer
at the University of Utah...also a student there, hoping to
graduate this August.. turning into a talented and creative homemaker. She is also my beautiful daughter and I love her dearly. Have a wonderful birthday tomorrow. love, mom

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Saturday, February 14, 2009


A year ago today I set a goal for myself. It was one of the most difficult tasks that I had ever done . It was one of those make or break type of deals where I really had to change my behavior. Where I felt so humble and realized that for whatever the reason there was no excuse and my behavior must stop. As I have gone through this process I have learned that I can't dwell on the past anymore. It is done. I can only build on the glorious future, walk and then run as I get stronger to see what is ahead for me. I am excited to see what unfolds because I know it will be good. Everyday I learn how to make my life better. Humility, prayer, faith, action...those are the keys. Knowing that wise people still ask for help. With this knowledge I am unstoppable. I have learned that we are born, we start having trials and challenges, we start to make decisions. Some are good and some are bad. Some are based on things we learn and some are based on emotion. Those decisions put us on a road to where we end up. There are many explanations, many reasons why I chose my road, some might even agree that they were good reasons. Would I go back now and change things? I can't. What's done is done; But with much introspection, crying out, prayer and meditation I don't know if I would change it. Oh, I wouldn't want to hurt anyone- that would change for sure. But I feel like I have moved to a different room. Not that I have attained anything better than anyone else, just that I took the opportunity to stop and realize that I needed to take inventory, that I needed to humble myself. That no matter who I was or what good I was doing I had flaws. I was flawed and because of this I needed to stop and be deflawed. Realizing this and doing something about it has put me in a different place - a place where my mind is more open to learning, to accepting, to loving unconditionally to be humble always, to accepting things i can't do anything about and having the strength to do something if I can help in any situation. I feel calmer. I feel more peaceful. I feel more positive. I feel happy. I like this room better and I want to stay here. (by the way, I reached the goal that I set one year ago today) !

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Special Valentine

Last weekend I went to Aunt Barbara's funeral. It was a sad occasion, but fun
to see Uncle Mel and the girl's, remembering our great
childhood. Visiting with Uncle Mel, was like sitting next to
and visiting with my dad, they are that much alike. But the thing that was brought to my mind
the most was how these two couples were so devoted to
each other. Both Uncle Mel and Dad were smart men
to pick out such lovely and devoted women. Women who
would stand by them no matter what and bring out the
best in these two character's. Put up with their silliness
and all their adventures and they did take these women
on adventures. But on the flip side as mom always said
"Giggs taught me how to laugh" and these men treated
mom and aunt Barbara like Queens, rarely spending even a night apart.
These two couples were
in love for over 50 years and showed it to each
other and the world. They are an example to everyone on how to create a happy marriage and keep the romance alive... It was a joy to be a part of their love story! Happy Valentines to Mel and Barbara and Giggs and June!

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Melanie!

Our family was certainly happy when Tyler met this beautiful girl. She's perfect for him!

It is her birthday today and Ty finally got moving in the right permission from her dad and gave her a ring and asked her to marry him. We are happy to announce that she accepted!!!! Happy Birthday Melanie and Best Wishes to the happy couple! We love you both.
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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fun with Jake!

What could be more fun than spending
the day with Jake? He brightens my day!
Gives hugs on demand....laughs at whatever
I say. Cuddles when we read books, and
then returns home to his mom!
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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Lazy Day

(art by Greg Olsen)
Isn't it nice to give yourself a
lazy day once in awhile?
What would you do?
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