Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Special Valentine

Last weekend I went to Aunt Barbara's funeral. It was a sad occasion, but fun
to see Uncle Mel and the girl's, remembering our great
childhood. Visiting with Uncle Mel, was like sitting next to
and visiting with my dad, they are that much alike. But the thing that was brought to my mind
the most was how these two couples were so devoted to
each other. Both Uncle Mel and Dad were smart men
to pick out such lovely and devoted women. Women who
would stand by them no matter what and bring out the
best in these two character's. Put up with their silliness
and all their adventures and they did take these women
on adventures. But on the flip side as mom always said
"Giggs taught me how to laugh" and these men treated
mom and aunt Barbara like Queens, rarely spending even a night apart.
These two couples were
in love for over 50 years and showed it to each
other and the world. They are an example to everyone on how to create a happy marriage and keep the romance alive... It was a joy to be a part of their love story! Happy Valentines to Mel and Barbara and Giggs and June!

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1 comment:

mama jo said...

you are so right..probably the smartest thing those guys did...pick our mom and aunt barbara.