Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Home Again

After a wonderful weekend with these great kids...
We saw them off to school,
and left the gorgeous Pennsylvania countryside and came home. We didn't come empty handed. Our stomach's are loaded with Becky's great cooking, our hearts are full with memories of good times, hugs laughing and fun with those handsome grandsons..and we brought their father with us..James had to come out here for business, so he flew home with us and is staying here for a few days. So the visit continues.
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Sunday, March 29, 2009

A little Texas Hold Em

There are a few players who have to hide their faces, because they haven't quite learned the art of a poker face. Jack had a good hand and just didn't want anyone else to know. Everyone tried their hardest, but it came down to Hogan and Becky. I want to go to the Mall with Becky on Monday.

Great Day

It was fun getting together with all the PA gang for Hogan's baptism.
We watched a little baseball in the morning.  Got ready to go.  Taylor wanted everyone to know that he is now taller than his mom.  Hogan and his dad getting ready.  


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hogan's Big Day!

We arrived in Philadelphia last night late.  Woke up this morning, went and watched some baseball practice... then came back and got ready for Hogan's baptism.  After a beautiful talk by Jack, Hogan was baptized by his dad...then following another great talk by Grampa Jim, he was confirmed.  It was a great day with many of the ward members there... Gabi and Jake came and it was fun to see them.  Becky had nice refreshments prepared for all the guests and then we went out to dinner.  It is fun seeing these great boys.  They are growing up so fast and are such good boys.  We are having a great time being with them.  Pictures to follow!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Going on a Vacation!

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I had the best parents in the world. They taught me many things. They taught me to believe in myself, but mostly to have faith in God. Dad's favorite scripture was "Search diligently, pray always, and be believing, and all things shall work together for your good, if ye walk uprightly.." I always thought I had the faith thing down until recent years when I really had to put that faith to a test. It is scary to have total faith in something you can't see and just let go, but I can testify that it does work. Even though I myself have gone through the trial of having faith tested, I am reminded daily to keep that faith alive. Being with Jake does that for me.
As Jake has grown and now runs and climbs all over and has become quite independent, I have noticed something interesting. When he is by himself and he comes to some stairs, he stops and either sits down or turns around to go down, carefully so he won't fall. But if I'm there or his mom or dad is standing right next to him he just walks off the step without a second thought..knowing, without thinking that a loving hand will be there to catch him and not let him fall and hurt himself. He has the "faith of a little child". He knows that someone is there watching over him, loving him and taking care of him. He knows we won't let him down. As I watch him, my faith gets stronger in a much wiser, more loving Heavenly Father, who doesn't make mistakes and will never let me down and won't let me fall, if I will only "be believing".

Little children teach me alot. I love this scripture about faith. "I will go and do the thing which the Lord commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them to accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."
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Monday, March 23, 2009

Grateful for Temples

Jim and I had the opportunity to be in the Draper Temple during the final dedication on Sunday. It was a wonderful experience. We have watched from the beginning and been thrilled as this beautiful building was completed and from our neighborhood we can see it when it is lit up at night! We were involved with the open house acting as ushers, along with many people that live in this part of the valley. As I sat and listened to the music, the words and the prayers I was again reminded of how grateful I am for my heritage.
So grateful that my grandparents, parents and Jim and I were married and sealed in the SLC Temple. Jim and I have relatives that worked on this great Temple. And I am grateful for the example that these great people set for me and my family.
I was also reminded of all those relatives who came across the plains as pioneers and endured many hardships, because of their beliefs. They loved the church and wanted their families to be with them forever and suffered much for that belief. They wouldn't have believed that we have Temples so close..we are blessed because of their sacrifice and hard work. I am grateful to these great people for their love and example.
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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy Birthday James!

Thirty Six years ago we welcomed our first child into the world..it was a snowy day in Logan. We chose the name Tyler James ..but Jim was so excited to have a son that he asked if we could name him James Leo, Jr and so he became Jamey. It was a good thing, because he is so like his dad. James loves all sports, but most of all golf and baseball. He excels in anything he puts his mind to. And the thing he loves the most is his family. James loves those boys and it shows! Have a great birthday..love mom
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Friday, March 20, 2009

What a Happy Woman I am

"What a happy woman I am, living in a garden, with books, babies, birds and flowers. Sometimes I feel as if I were blest above all my fellows in being able to find happiness so easily."
-a quote from Rosamunde Pilcher's "The Shellseekers"
I have this picture and love it. I also love this quote, because I too feel that these things make me happy and feel blest that I too find happiness so easily.
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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Perfect Hosts!

Jim, Nick and I were invited to the most spectacular eatery in town last night!
We dined on Asian Steak Rolls
Sauted Veggies
and a delicious Savory loaf
from great harvest
A refreshing limeade with
fresh mint leaves
was just another
added perfection to an already
perfect meal!
Dessert was a delectable lemon cheesecake topped with fresh raspberries
(my favorite)!!!!

Whitney and Jason not only create a perfect meal together.
They create a perfect home. The ambience in their downtown apartment
is unmistakably "them". Whit moves gracefully around the kitchen
as if she were teaching one of her yoga classes...quiet and assured in her moves.
And Jason is a gourmet chef..there to help and encourage.
I love watching them together. I love that they grow
herbs in their apartment...and actually
use them for cooking!!!
If you want a treat, try to get an invite
to their home for dinner!
You'll have an evening you won't soon forget!
Thanks Jason and Whitney!
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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Most Beautiful

Peonies are aristocratic plants. In China, they have been an artistic symbol for centuries, they are called sho yo, or "most beautiful," meaning riches and honor.
Once a peony is established in a garden, it can live a long life...fifty, seventy or maybe a hundred years, so that your grandkids can enjoy the same beautiful flowers that you do!
I would love to wander through a field of peonies!
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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Primrose and pansies

I planted my first pot today!
primrose and pansies..
just enough color to brighten my doorstep.
I'll have to wait a few more
weeks for the renoculous, they aren't quite ready.
Can't wait!Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 9, 2009

Hawaiian Vacation

Jake loved Hawaii...Those runs along the beach...
He can't stop talking about how much fun he had playing in the ocean and the sand!
Maybe next time he'll take me along! Too bad he had to come home to all this snow! Reality is hard for everybody!
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Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Hunter

Saturday Jim got me to go hunting with him! We hunted and saw these elk!
and this bear!
until we finally got the prize! The biggest elk in the US! I didn't think it looked any bigger than that one in our basement.
But Jim assured me it was. I'm glad it's at Cabela's and not at my house!
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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Great Women

On Tuesday we had a joint activity teaching how we can do great things in our lives with the help of the Lord. I gave a small story about this women, my great grandmother, Tilda Louise Lavin. She had many trials in her life, which someday I would like to thank her personally for overcoming. For she may not know it, but she did it for me and for all of her posterity. She was a young women, only 19 when she married and joined the church...Her family would cross the street to avoid talking to her. Her first child died at a year. She had another boy and then she, her husband and baby came across the ocean to Utah to be with other Mormons in Utah. She had a hard time adjusting to everything here. Just think..only 22 in a new country..a new religion, a new language! She had a baby girl...my grama..Agnes. After that she had 2 more baby boys..both died at very young ages. As any mother would be she was devastated, and had trouble getting over these deaths. But was grateful, she was sealed to them and promised to live her life so she could be with them again. She had many more trials in her life...but kept faithful to the church. Aunt Ginny told me that she was always a happy, pleasant person. I am grateful for her example...for the fact that she came here and was sealed to her family and set that example for her daughter...and all the others to follow.
Agnes Lavin Lundgren..who continued this delightful women's legacy...was sealed in the temple...had 7 children. Raised them in the church...was the sweetest grama I could ever ask for.
I think Grama and Grampa Lundgren had 28 grandchildren and I tried to count, but I'm not sure approximately 165 descendents at this point. All benefitting from their example of hard work...kindness, blessed by their dedication to the church and the blessings of the Temple.
Mom...who I think of everyday and am so grateful I listened to her. She is and was a great teacher. She kept the gospel close to her heart and always served. The Temple was very important to her. She found the perfect partner for her and they were sealed for time and eternity. I am sure she is enjoying the association she is having with her grandmother and is grateful that Tilda took the challenge and had the faith and courage to join the church and come across the ocean, and not let the trials she faced get her down and make her give up. These are all great women and I am so grateful I am forever apart of them!
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Monday, March 2, 2009

Abby Rose

Happy Birthday to Abby! Thirty Two years ago Abby arrived!!!! She has been arriving ever since and anyone in her way knows it. Whether she is arriving at work, where they shake in fear...arriving in her quilting room where fabric jumps at her command or whether she arrives home to Jake and he runs with outstretched arms squealing MAMA!! She makes a statement wherever she goes! Everyone loves her. Especially me. I am blessed to have her as a daughter and a friend. I love you...have a happy day. love, mom
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