Monday, March 23, 2009

Grateful for Temples

Jim and I had the opportunity to be in the Draper Temple during the final dedication on Sunday. It was a wonderful experience. We have watched from the beginning and been thrilled as this beautiful building was completed and from our neighborhood we can see it when it is lit up at night! We were involved with the open house acting as ushers, along with many people that live in this part of the valley. As I sat and listened to the music, the words and the prayers I was again reminded of how grateful I am for my heritage.
So grateful that my grandparents, parents and Jim and I were married and sealed in the SLC Temple. Jim and I have relatives that worked on this great Temple. And I am grateful for the example that these great people set for me and my family.
I was also reminded of all those relatives who came across the plains as pioneers and endured many hardships, because of their beliefs. They loved the church and wanted their families to be with them forever and suffered much for that belief. They wouldn't have believed that we have Temples so close..we are blessed because of their sacrifice and hard work. I am grateful to these great people for their love and example.
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Travelin'Oma said...

Great message.

mama jo said...

that must have been wonderful to go to...we are so lucky...we should all not complain when we have so much