Thursday, July 30, 2009

Things I learn

I was reading in a book the other day and found a saying that I thought applied to me. It went something like this. "In a sense sickness is a place more instructive than a long trip to Europe, and it's always a place where there's no company, where nobody can follow." I think it is like that, not because you don't have visitors and people being kind to you, but because you have so much time to yourself to think and to wonder about life. With this latest stay in bed, I have gone through the regular depressive thoughts of "why me, again"? and all that blather that no one wants to hear, but because I am always blessed I come out on top with lessons learned that help me and bless my life. The latest comes from this young man, my grandson. Jim and I, along with Tyler and Melanie took them for an outing last Saturday. I felt well enough to go along and observe their fun and it was a fun day. On the way home, there was a quiet moment in the back seat and then 1,2,3 and all four boys, in unison said THANK YOU GRAMA AND GRAMPA!!! We said how nice of them to be grateful. Then Jack said, " You should always be grateful for everything, even little things, even your weaknesses, cause they will make you strong"! I asked him where he had heard that, if his parents had taught him that or had he heard it in primary? He responded that he didn't know, but he always says in his prayers every night "Thank you Heavenly Father for my weaknessess, help me to overcome them, so I can become strong". Wow! I've got so many weaknesses to be grateful for. No wonder I like hanging out with little kids so much, they are so much smarter than me!

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

The PA Gang came to town!

We've had a busy week! Swimming at Abby's, hiking, party and sleepover at Grama Polly's, Park City and the Alpine Slide! As Jake would say Fun, Fun, Fun!!!
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Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Garden

It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a home-grown tomato
-Lewis Grizzard

The seeds I planted before my surgery bring me great joy as I wander around my garden and see how they have grown. Jim's tomatoes are appearing and I can't wait to get my first taste of those delicious home grown vegetables, picked right off the vine. And Jake's pumpkins are making their way out the earth. They will be here in time for Halloween! I was so worried that my flowers wouldn't get watered properly, but Kaden and Preston, our neighbors next door and Jim have taken care of them nicely! I think the flowers will be ok.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Inner Strength

Woman must be the pioneer in this turning inward for strength.
In a sense she has always been the pioneer.
---Anne Morrow Lindbergh

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Luke broke his arm the other day! The worse part of the whole ordeal for him was that it was his pitching arm! The PA gang are nuts for baseball! I'm sure he'll recover and return next year! His brother's are behind him 100% . While he was at the hospital, they made a poster wishing him well, posting his stats! They each gave him one of their toys and tough boys that they are could not hide their own tears when their little brother had tears because his arm hurt! They are a great bunch of ballplayers and I sure love my grandsons! Can't wait to see you all!!!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Recovery going well!

I hate to make any of you jealous, but this is how I am spending my time now days. Since my back surgery I lounge around in this new bed Jim fixed up just for me. He thought it would be cozy and wanted me to feel like the princess that I am.
Also, for those of you who have never had back surgery, they give you a darling corset to wear, just like this one! The doctors don't want you to just be comfortable, they want you to look your best! I love mine and plan to make it part of my wardrobe from now on!
And if that isn't enough..look at how I am served my meals! I only bring my special china out on holidays! But of course nothing is too good for this patient! Almost makes me want to do it all over again! Anyway, if you ever get sick come over here, the service is great!!! (last night Tyler and Melanie brought homemade chicken noodle soup and homemade icecream!!!) Can't get better than that! Except it can, because Abby announced that boy # 6 was on his way! We sure love boys in our family! Congrats to Abby, Mike and Jake!
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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Beautiful Women

I have a daughter who doesn't like to have her picture taken. I usually honor these wishes on my blog, for I wouldn't want someone to put a picture of me on their blog that I was unhappy with. The reason I am breaking this rule is that for the last while I have been in bed recovering from surgery and not feeling well...and feeling ugly. My sweet sister came to visit me yesterday and spent 2 hours visiting with me. She talked to me about how she was not feeling good about her appearance lately! I thought about this last night. Abby works a full time job, has a 1 1/2 year old little boy, is 4 months pregnant, a home. She is the first to offer her home for a shower, party whatever is happening in the family, and she brought Jim and I dinner last night. Plus these last years, as I have suffered health problems she has been my long suffering best friend..always a listening ear, which I am sure she is for many as she has many friends. She doesn't like to have her picture taken, because she doesn't think she is beautiful!!! How could a person who lives such a Christ-like life not think she is beautiful? So I am sorry Abby, You are front and center on my blog for being the most beautiful of women! I love you and am grateful every day for your goodness and your friendship!
Another beauty!!! What a wonderful afternoon to have Marty bring me treats from the Nordstrom Bistro and a great book to read while I'm confined to bed. But best of all, Marty doesnt' just do a "duty" visit! She spends time here so we can talk and laugh and have fun together, she doesn't seem to be in a hurry! She's here for me, while I would instead just be here by myself! What a gift she is to me. She has a busy life doing things with her children and grandchildren! She is Dee's partner is his business, so though she might not say it to many people, she works usually more than part-time! How could she not consider herself beautiful! Everything about her is beautiful! She writes books for her grandchildren and I think she should write a how-to on being a grandma! She gives the best advise in the world! What a gift that I have the most beautiful sister in the world! Your visit yesterday meant the world to me! I love you!

Here's a little pot of flowers for anyone feeling not particularly
attractive today! If they make you
smile, chances are you are as
beautiful as the flowers are!
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Monday, July 6, 2009

Words to live by

Here are a few hints taken from "Loving and Leaving the Good Life" by Helen Nearing. I really liked what I read and thought I would share some of these words of wisdom.

Do the best you can, whatever arises!

Take time to wonder at life and the world: see some humor in life where you can.

Share something every day with someone else; if you live alone, write someone; give something away; help someone else somehow.

Contact nature every day; feel the earth under your feet.

Live in simple conditions; housing, food, clothing; get rid of clutter.

Don't worry, live one day at a time.

Observe the one life in all things.

Be at peace with yourself.

Be kind to all creatures!!!