Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Beautiful Women

I have a daughter who doesn't like to have her picture taken. I usually honor these wishes on my blog, for I wouldn't want someone to put a picture of me on their blog that I was unhappy with. The reason I am breaking this rule is that for the last while I have been in bed recovering from surgery and not feeling well...and feeling ugly. My sweet sister came to visit me yesterday and spent 2 hours visiting with me. She talked to me about how she was not feeling good about her appearance lately! I thought about this last night. Abby works a full time job, has a 1 1/2 year old little boy, is 4 months pregnant, a home. She is the first to offer her home for a shower, party whatever is happening in the family, and she brought Jim and I dinner last night. Plus these last years, as I have suffered health problems she has been my long suffering best friend..always a listening ear, which I am sure she is for many as she has many friends. She doesn't like to have her picture taken, because she doesn't think she is beautiful!!! How could a person who lives such a Christ-like life not think she is beautiful? So I am sorry Abby, You are front and center on my blog for being the most beautiful of women! I love you and am grateful every day for your goodness and your friendship!
Another beauty!!! What a wonderful afternoon to have Marty bring me treats from the Nordstrom Bistro and a great book to read while I'm confined to bed. But best of all, Marty doesnt' just do a "duty" visit! She spends time here so we can talk and laugh and have fun together, she doesn't seem to be in a hurry! She's here for me, while I would instead just be here by myself! What a gift she is to me. She has a busy life doing things with her children and grandchildren! She is Dee's partner is his business, so though she might not say it to many people, she works usually more than part-time! How could she not consider herself beautiful! Everything about her is beautiful! She writes books for her grandchildren and I think she should write a how-to on being a grandma! She gives the best advise in the world! What a gift that I have the most beautiful sister in the world! Your visit yesterday meant the world to me! I love you!

Here's a little pot of flowers for anyone feeling not particularly
attractive today! If they make you
smile, chances are you are as
beautiful as the flowers are!
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Abby said...

mom - hate the picture, but very nice words you put in your blog. You made my day with your words.

and Marty - thanks for visiting, Polly looked great yesterday and seemed the happiest she has been since the surgery. Your visit must have been magical!

Travelin'Oma said...

Polly! This was such a lovely post to read. It was fun to visit and you seemed so positive and upbeat that you cheered me. Thanks for the sweet compliments.

Jake said...

You are right. Two beautiful ladies! (Must run in the family...) Glad you are feeling better.