Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Beautiful Morning

I got up and went on a walk this morning. What a beautiful way to start any day. First walking out my door to the blue skies and our gorgeous mountain as the sun just starts coming up. As I walk along the quail and robins decide to tag along, and they are certainly welcome. Friends wave as they start their day. I visit with my pal Bob. He's busy painting his fence. Making his yard look nice for a young lady's wedding, later this week, who lives on their lane. My walk is for exercise, but it's no fun if you can't stop and visit with a neighbor or two. As I walk along I notice flags waving from front porches or in potted plants. We love our country here. I walk by my church. I love going there. Who wouldn't with those mountains as a backdrop, and the wonderful feeling that is there? And can you believe those lovely blue and yellow perennials?

As I get closer to my house, I feel a need to look up at those mountains once more. Realizing how blessed I am to live beneath their protecting beauty. They give me peace, they give me direction, (literally).

It feels like home.

I go into my backyard to check on my garden. The deer haven't found us this year - yet. So, our vegetables are flourishing. We've been enjoying delicious tomatoes. The cucumbers and squash are getting big, and we'll be having peppers, beans and carrots before long. I pick fresh lettuce or spinach for a salad almost every night. Upper Garden has never been so delightful. It has truly been a beautiful morning.

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1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

You are a natural woman.