Saturday, July 31, 2010

Lovely Saturday

Jim decided about noon, he didn't want to work in the heat anymore. So we took off for Park City. Fun street music.

Who should we run into? Tyler and Melanie. They had the same idea. We had a lovely lunch with them.

Enjoyed walking up and down Main Street.

And do you recognize the old house? Not quite the same is it?
Much more fun than working all day.

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Travelin'Oma said...

I wonder if the rouge Josh used on the paneling downstairs got covered up.

whit said...

Looks fun..wish I had that same idea.

bb iverson said...

Oh the old house! Hopefully they've done something about that creepy basement we never used to dare venture around in. Maybe they still have that cool piano-thing that used to play on it's own. Loved that instrument. Whatever happened to it? I think we should resurrect it for the next family party...