Monday, April 30, 2012

Williamsburg VA

We've arrived in Williamsburg.  So absolutely beautiful here.  Before we came down we were able to see the PA gang and watch a little baseball.  So good to see them all.  Our home here is lovely.  Couldn't ask for a nicer place to stay while visiting this part of our country.  Thanks to Abby and Mike.  Jim and I have driven around getting the lay of the land.  Will pick up the Winchester's in a few hours.  Then we'll start exploring everything! I've already taken fabulous pictures of our surroundings.  Can't wait to post them. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

A lovely Week

A lovely week.  Last Saturday Abby and Marta hosted a shower for Whitney.  Their talent for throwing parties goes unmatched.  Abby's home was decorated to perfection and the food was delicious.  I'll have to get the recipe for the creme brulee french toast.  To die for!!!

Whitney was showered with gifts from family and dear friends, and was brought to tears by their generosity and love.  She is special to all of us.  We can't wait to meet our little girl.

Last night, Abby hosted yet again another lovely party.  Our children decided to honor Jim and I as we are celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary today.  Another delicious meal, lots of together time, gifts and fun.  How blessed we are to have such great kids. 
And now Jim and I are off for a fun vacation to celebrate. 
Will post from the East Coast when we arrive!
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Sermon on the Mount

This week has flown by.  We're trying to get ready to get out of town.  I've wanted to post since Sunday and haven't found the time.  The little ones are all finally asleep, so I have a moment of quiet.  It seems to me as I have gone through difficult times in the past and as loved ones and friends go through different phases where they are struggling, I always go back to thinking of simple things.  Maybe it is because I am a simple person and so simple solutions seem the best way.  Things like loving one another, being kind to others, patience, letting our light shine in a dark world, prayer, seeking wisdom.
Last Sunday in sharing time the theme was, The Sermon on the Mount.  The lesson was broken down into four parts.  Prayer, Hunger, Light, Love.  Four simple words, but with all the power in the world if actually put into our lives.  There was a question given to the older children.  "What would you do if someone was saying unkind things about you behind your back?"  The answer was suppose to be, you try to be kind to them anyway, letting your light shine.  But my sweet children went much deeper last Sunday.  A young boy in our ward who has had a very sad life raised his hand and said this very thing happens to him, all the time.  I asked what he did in the situation.  He replied, "I don't know, I just feel bad."  I could see that he was getting a little teary, so I asked the children what they could do for this young boy, who was one of us, our friend, our neighbor.  The children were very quiet, then hands started coming up. " We can all be extra nice to John (not his real name),"  a young girl said.  Another young man raised his hand and said, (his exact words)  "if you want a solution to this problem, we need to say a prayer for John and for whoever said the bad words, we need to pray together to help John."  This was from a little guy who is just eight years old.  After that we all talked together about how we as a primary could pray for John and could gather around him and give him support and love.  Last Sunday, these children learned the lessons the Savior gave in the Sermon on the Mount, and then they taught me.  They listened to the words of the Savior, the were confronted with a problem and they came up with solutions using His powerful, yet simple teachings to help a young friend.
Again I am grateful to be surrounded by children who remind me daily what is important in this life.  As I teach Sam to be "nice and gentle" to Dylan, I remind myself that those I love need to be treated just the same way.  As Jake demands my attention while he entertains me with his adventures and all that goes on in his wonderful imagination, I am reminded that others like to be heard.  The comings and goings and stories are important and I must be better at listening.  These little ones love hugs and loves,  who doesn't?  I need to remember to compliment out loud rather than just think that someone looks nice.  I must remember to hug and love those who are so dear to me.  And so as I go through my busy days, it is always good to take a moment and think of those teachings.  Take a moment to pray,  hunger for those great words that will lead me,  let my light shine, and love, always, unconditionally.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Nothing can cure the soul but the senses..."

This past week I've had an infection in my ear that has made it difficult to hear.  My sense of smell was taken away a number of years ago.  This particular loss affects me the most at this time of the year.  When the lilacs start blooming and Jim first mows the lawn and I first put my hands in the dirt.  I want to smell all those wonderful scents.  The grass, the lilac, the earth. 

I am so grateful for my eyes and the knowledge that the ear problem is temporary.  For the color explosion is beginning and I am loving every minute of it.  I can remember the scent of the lilac as I walk by, or that burst of lemon, and the roses...

"Nothing can cure the soul but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul."

~Oscar Wilde

How I love spring.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hymn of Hope

On Easter Sunday our choir sang some beautiful songs.  Our choir loves to sing together.  We might not be as young as we once were, but we still enjoy the messages and melodies we learn as a choir.  One particular song really touched me this year.  The title was "Hymn of Hope."  The words decribe just how I feel about the Savior and the Easter message.

"Jesus who was scorned, forsaken, smitten, wounded, crucified,
We, with love and trust unshaken, Take Thee as our Hope and Guide.

Watchful Shepherd, mighty Savior; Tender Healer, ever near.
King of kings, by whose free favor we o'er-come each foe and fear.

We are pilgrims, lone and stranger, And we need Thy constant care,
Till we pass earth's toils and dangers, And Thy final triumph share."

As I see the world come alive this spring I am again reminded of all that I have been blessed with.  Because of what the Savior did personally for me I have a feeling of peace and hope.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Annual Easter Egg Hunt

The Saturday before Easter the gang always arrives ready to fill their easter baskets.

They are never disappointed.  (although Dylan had more fun throwing the eggs than hunting them), no matter, as long as everyone is happy. They seemed to be whether finding, throwing, rolling down the hill with the easter eggs.

Everybody got into the hunt and and everybody found something with their name on it! 
Have a lovely Easter.
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Thursday, April 5, 2012

To Pause

As the days get warmer, I find myself wondering why my life is not idyllic as this pastural scene.  I love spending time in my garden.  I spend much of my time with children and yet many times I feel as if I am in a hurry.  I look at the necklace I have that hangs around my neck.  I wear it most days, because of the word I had inscribed on it.  The word is "psala,"  which means "to pause" in ancient hebrew.   

Sometimes I feel that the beauty that can be seen is basically a frame of mind.  I do not live in a pink cottage with ducks in a pond, but I do have a lace curtain that flutters as the fresh spring air makes its way into my home.  I can take the time to listen to the little ones exclaim over how many birds are in the yard or flying overhead. 

I can open my door to neighbors, family and friends and enjoy their company.  I can look forward to the warm summer days ahead where much of my time will be outdoors loving my beautiful flowers.  These things calm me and help me "to pause"  to be aware of what is important; the babies, flowers, the grass and the trees. 
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