Thursday, September 25, 2014

Simple Blessings

I am  grateful for the simple things.
  I could go on forever about the simple blessings that enrich my life. 
 I just have to sit out in my garden for a few moments as the sun goes down,
 feeling the autumn air as it turns my leaves from green to dark yellow and red.

I just have to snip the last flower from my
 garden to brighten up a spot on my table.

I just have to look at the changing seasons, knowing with a surety that spring will come again, as it always does.
And while I wait I will enjoy the fall colors and the winter snow. 
Simple blessings surround me.
My husband's love, a call from a son or daughter, feeling small arms around my neck from a little one, soup from a dear friend, my lovely home, the beauties of nature.
 Simple is what my life is made up of.
 I count these blessings each day.

1 comment:

PearlsofCharacter said...

your page is beautiful , thanks for sharing a piece of your heart .