Sunday, June 30, 2013

Summer Evenings

 I talked to my Uncle Mel on the phone this afternoon. 
 I love it when he calls. 
It's as if my dad is calling..their voices are so similar. 
 We are looking forward to a family gathering in July. 
As I talked to him about his plans for the reunion my mind is flooded with memories of those summer days when I was young.
  I loved being at my grandma's house sitting in that screened  front porch when it was really hot outside. 
There was an enclosed back porch off the kitchen where she dried her fruit and had bushels of apples. 
Down the steep, old stairs and out the screen door and into the huge backyard you could run down into the orchard. 
 Grandma had beautiful flowers in her yard and Grandpa's corn and cherries were the best. 
 There was a big brick fireplace where we always barbequed and of course, the fishpond! 
Grandma and Grandpa enjoyed their lives. 
 They were happy people. 
 Grandma loved the simple things in life..clean sheets hanging on the clothes line,
 freshly baked bread, flowers in her garden, freshly picked raspberries,
 or birds singing in the trees. 
She loved having her family around her. 
As I sit in my garden on these hot summer evenings, 
I remember those days. 
 I remember my heritage,
 I remember how valiant my grandparents they loved the gospel,
 how well they faced their challenges and lived their lives. 
 What an example they are to me. 
 By remembering them,
I am encouraged to live a better life.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Fathers Day!

I have been preparing my primary lesson today. 
 I am teaching the little kids about Superhero's. 
Well, these guys are certainly my Superhero's. 
They are the best at what they do. 
 Just like Superhero's they help us, they care for us and they always save the day! 
I am so grateful for these guys, for all they do, especially for their kids!
"Any man can be a Father,
but it takes someone special to be a

happy father's day.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

A Day with Dylan and Grama June

Yesterday, June 14th was Flag Day. 
 As I drove through the neighborhood with my grandson Dylan
he said..  "See all the Flags" 
Then he started singing "Happy Birthday to You."  I joined in. 
Then he said to me "clap for Dylan Grama."   which I did! 
I told him it was nice that he sang Happy Birthday, because it was his great grama's birthday. 
 So we sang again..this time we sang to Grama June. 
 When we got home, I held this dear little boy in my lap. 
 I told him how much Grama June would have loved him. 
 How she would have loved his beautiful brown eyes. 
 I told him how much she loved his daddy. 
Then he ran off  to hit the golf ball. 
 How she would have cherished this little boy as she would all the "darlings" that she sent down after she left us. 
Happy Birthday Mom.
  I miss you every day, but for some reason I missed you more yesterday. 
 Thank you for your unconditional love and for being such a great mom.
but mostly for being my friend.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Welcome to My Garden

I am enjoying my garden this year more than I have in a long time. 
 My plants and flowers seem to being doing well earlier. 
 I love going out in the evening after I've watered,
 weeded, done a little dead heading and sit and read. 

The roses are starting to bloom as I walk up the stairs to my upper garden. 

I am loving these ornamental cabbages. 
 I've got them planted in different places throughout my garden.

I've planted swiss chard and some peppers among the flowers. 
 I like to mix things up a little.

Still love walking down my memory path. 
 Seeing the names and handprints of my loved ones always makes me smile.

There is nothing better than hearing the sound of water while working or relaxing outside.  
After a long day I just have to walk outside and wander around in my backyard.
 I find peace and a total sense of well being when I'm taking care of my plants. 
 I love summer!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Summer Is Here!!!!

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Sam, Dylan and I jump in the car and go pick up Jake at school. 
 Friday was the last time...
because it was the last day of school. 
 After a tearful goodbye to Jake's wonderful teacher,
 Miss Jenny.
( we were walking away from her,
 and suddenly he turned around, ran back and wrapped his little arms around her knees) sweet.  
 Jake saying
" I don't know if I will ever feel like this ever again."
  (he has a dramatic side). 
 We were off!!!
It is now officially summer.

To celebrate we came home,
 Grampa Jim joined us for a swimming party! 
 Nothing but fun with these guys. 

After a day with the three boys..
I relax at home in my beautiful garden. 
The roses are blooming,
almost everything is planted.. it is peaceful. 
 I know that summer is really here.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Happy Birthday Wren!

After years of enjoying these seven grandsons.
We were blessed with something totally different.
One year ago today our little Wren was born!

Whitney gave  us an unbelievable gift on June 1st 2012. 
Our first granddaughter.  What a joy this little girl has brought into our lives. 
 Tiny, sweet, and the darling of all the boys.

So Happy Birthday to my little Wrenny Lou. 
 You are my sunshine. 
Love, Grama Polly