Sunday, December 29, 2013

Thou Gracious God, Whose Mercy Lends - Mormon Tabernacle Choir

One of my all time favorites!  So happy when I heard the choir sing this again this morning on the broadcast.  Beautiful when the bagpipes begin the song.  

Friday, December 20, 2013

Winter Days, Grandkids, Fun

Had an extra fun day with these kids. 
They went sleigh riding in our backyard...

then inside to decorate a gingerbread house,
run around and be crazy and have hot chocolate and toast.

Dreams of having a little nap! 
 Not happening with this bunch. 
 (I'll have one later..the minute they leave). 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Happy Birthday Taylor

Can you believe that this handsome young man is my oldest grandson?!?
  He turns 17 tomorrow. 
 He's  smart, he's athletic, he's good, just the right kind of kid to head up all the boys that follow him in our family. 
 (A grama  could brag, but I'm just telling the truth, of course!)  
 What a great day that was all those years ago when Taylor arrived. 
 It's been nothing but fun ever since. 
 Happy Birthday Taylor. 
 Love you tons, 
 Grama Polly

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Quiet Moment by my Tree- Merry Christmas

After a fun day with Dylan I sat down and enjoyed a quiet moment by my tree.
  It's a lovely time of year.
  Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Christmas Decorations, Parties and Sam's Birthday

It's only December 4th, and already the month is moving along with activities.
  Got the house decorated over the weekend.
 Jim got the lights up just before the big snow hit,
 which spread the holiday spirit..inside and out.

Got the trees decorated.  Love getting out all the old decorations. 
They remind me of Christmas's past. 
 Love our Golf Club, my crystals I purchased from Harrods when I visited with Nick in London. 
 The old sleds mom had painted for each of the kids,
 ornaments purchased from places we have visited
and my very special Bonnie Blue Butler, given to me and signed by the real Bonnie Blue!
  What treasures!

Put my beautiful Nativity on the Mantle.
  I love the simplicity of this nativity and love that my family gave it to me. 

All ready had a party. 
We had Jim's family over for dinner last night.  It was fun to get together with Tam, Kevin, Kathy and Lanny.  We visited and enjoyed great food.
  Love seeing family over the holidays.

But the most important day so far was yesterday!
  My little Sam turned four years old! 
 He couldn't wait until it was his birthday. 
He is the most fun child.  So expressive.  So determine, so ACTIVE!!! 
 I love his smile, the way he talks, his hugs. 
Today he asked me if I would stay even when his mom got home. 
 He put his little arms around my neck and had tears in his eyes and said please stay grama, please. 
 I almost did..almost. 
 I love you Sam.  Have a happy year. 
You are my sunshine!
love, grama
So goes the first week of December.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

"A Bell is no Bell til you Ring it.."

I started decorating my house for Christmas this past weekend. 
 Boxes were brought up from the storage room.  Treasures were unpacked.
  Jim was given instructions and was so good to do his part. 
 He builds a wreath around the front door, puts the outdoor lights up and any heavy lifting needed. 
As I unpacked Christmas decorations and got to my collection of bells I found that they were badly tarnished. 
So I decided it would be a good idea to polish them up a bit. 
 As I rubbed the tarnish away, the dates engraved became clear. 
 My mom used to give us these beautiful silver bells for Christmas. 
 Each had our name and the date.  1977..1984..1986..and it goes on. 
I love those bells.  I love how they shine. 
 I love the memories they provide. 
Tonight I was reading, once again, my mom's lesson outlines from when she was a Relief Society Instructor. 
 I just happened upon the lesson that had a verse from a song from the
"Sound of Music."
It seemed fitting that I would find this particular lesson tonight.

"A bell is no bell til you ring it.
A song is no song til you sing it.
And love in your heart was not put there to stay,
Love isn't love til you give it away."
Thank you mom for the memories, the bells, and for always giving your love away.