Thursday, July 17, 2014

A Visit With Some Fine Ladies

When I need a bit of uplifting or feel a little tired, I sometimes feel the need to talk to my mother or one of my grandmothers.  
They were so comforting.  They also had a lot of wisdom.  
They lived through a lot, but somehow always managed to stay upbeat, kind, and loving. 
 What a great example the were to me. 
 Fortunately for me I have bits and pieces of them. 
 Not just my memories, but tangible things that remind me of them.  
Some of those things are fairly valuable, but the most priceless things are their handwriting.  
I feel their thoughts bring me closer to them than any "thing" they left behind. 
 Grandma Bagley's journal is full of inspiring stories of how she lived through the depression, the loss of her beloved oldest son, and then the war when she sent her two remaining sons.  
What strength she had.  Her testimony of the gospel is a constant in her life and something I will always respect and love her for, because of the way she lived her life. 
 Grandma Lundgren was just as strong and had such a cute sense of humor which is evident in her little notes stuck into books.  I love her remarks on life!!
 And of course there is my mom, who's love of her family, respect for her heritage and her testimony guided me gently throughout my life.  
I love to see her thoughts written down in her distinct handwriting.  

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me today!! 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Relaxing in the Garden- Glorious Summer

Can't believe we're almost halfway through glorious summer. 
 I love warm summer nights. 

 My upper garden has been a mess of vines for the last few years.  
This year we cleaned it out and added quite a bit more space. 
 So nice to go up my steps and hideout while reading a book or just star gazing.
  Perfect spot to relax in the evening.

I've always enjoyed the concept of "rooms" in my garden.  
Another lovely place to enjoy warm evenings is my back patio.  
Sometimes I just sit and listen to those wonderful summer sounds.

Something fun going on in the gardens around my neighborhood is our weekly lemonade gathering.
  Once a week we gather and enjoy a cool glass of lemonade, visit and just enjoy each others flowers. 
 It's nice to stop once in awhile and relax with good friends.

"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on
 a summer's day,
 listening to the murmur of the water,
 or watching the clouds float across the sky,
 is by no means a waste of time."

~John Lubbock