Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Jo's Birthday

I always loved April 10th...when I was little it was because it meant only 1 more week til my birthday..but as I have gotten older it is just because it is fun to celebrate the month of April and coming of spring with Jolyn. I've shared lots of things with Jo.. a bedroom, a double bed, a bathroom, a mom and dad, sisters and brother,gramas and grampas, aunts and uncles, a love of reading, fun memories growing up on Melodie Ann Way, friends..just lots of happy times. We have also shared each others kids and that has been especially wonderful, because she has taken such good care of mine. It is great to have a little sister who has now joined the "50" club. You are no longer the baby...you are a true real sister with all the rights and responsibilities of 50 year old people. I have no idea what those rights and responsibilities are, but we can make them up as we go. I hope you are having a wonderful, sunny, massaggy, laying around kind of day today over there in Hawaii..take care of yourself and have lots of fun..there will be all sorts of presents and treats waiting for you when you get home! So even more to look forward too! Thanks for sharing your life with me..you are the best and I love you..Happy Birthday to you...love, Polly


Travelin'Oma said...

Great post about a great sister from the other great sister.

mama jo said...

thank you for the wonderful thoughts...i guess i'm great because of my 2 older sistas and the great big bro

Travelin'Oma said...
