Monday, March 31, 2008

Spring is on its way!!!!!!

Spring is on its way..with its promise of all things green. It is my favorite time of year. Those first warm days (where are they???? its snowing outside) that make you think of hot summer nights to come. There is hope in the air. I get excited at each sign that my yard is waking up. Small blulbs, planted years ago are struggling out of the hard ground. If it does snow, it melts quickly. Today I will plant pansies in a few of my pots on the front porch and maybe one or two renoculous, my favorites. They are a glorious precurser of what is to come. Later in the spring I will plant seeds in the ground by my trellis. They will be scarlett bean and morning glory vines. They start out just a small seed in the ground or a pot. You nurture them and care for them and then you wait. a week, or two? Maybe...then one day you wake up and go outside and see a little string of green and then the next day several more strings of green and then the next day several more strings. (I plant multiple seeds in the same place). They look a little pathetic at first....sometimes needing a bit of string to hold them up. The vines seem very frail at first. I must be careful with them or they will break. Each day as they grow I start twisting them around each other. Each singular vine from each seed is getting stronger and then as I twist them together they gain in strength. Somedays I go outside to see how my vines are doing and they seem to have grown a foot overnight! They get full and become bushier. After about six weeks I start noticing a flower starting to form within the leaves. This is when the excitement starts really setting in. I have enjoyed watching these plants grow from tiny seeds, the whole process. I could have bought an all ready done vine in May and had everything in the yard just so - but then I wouldn't get to experience the miracle of watching a seed start from the beginning and go through the stages - to struggle to grow and finally to bloom..... oh the beautiful blooms in all different colors, deep purple, bright fuscia, startling white, periwinkle blue. Different colors, but all climbing up the same post of my trellis. It is a miracle. I think of my concerns and worries for my family and what I've learned these past weeks. I must have faith. I'm at the stage where I'm still holding the package where the seeds lie waiting to be planted. I haven't even started planting yet and as I have just described it is a long process. But it always happens. I would never go a day without taking care of my plants. How greateful I am that I just have to look outside to be reminded that Heavenly Father will help me accomplish anything. It is His promise. I just have to plant the seed DO THE WORK, and have the faith. He will take care of the rest.

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