Thursday, July 17, 2008

Comings and Goings

This past weekend The DeSpain Gang went to Fish Lake for the annual Family Reunion. We camped out in our usual spot. Ty brought Melanie and Whitney brought Jason. We missed the PA DeSpain's this year and the Latimer's who decided not to introduce Jake to camping until next time...but as you can see, Jason is the best fisherman....

while Nick enjoys his style of fishing.

By the way...A Big Happy Birthday to Jack who turns 10 years old today. Have a great day and a fun year. Love, the Western DeSpain Gang


mama jo said...

looks like've got a few scruffy faces there....looks like they've been out in the woods for a long time....

Momma Fish said...

I get to introduce Warren to camping next week on a Fisher family function. It should be interesting.

Travelin'Oma said...

I love little guys in glasses.