Friday, August 1, 2008

Life Lessons

About a year ago, Whitney and I drove up to the park by our Stake Center and took a little walk.  I had to hold on to her arm as we walked around the track once.  I huffed and puffed and felt light headed.  It took so much energy.  We walked so slow.  It is August 1 now, and I think if I wanted I could run up the hill to the Stake Center and around the park and back home. Thru this illness, I learned, even at the lowest point, if I will just hang on, have faith, not give up, or give in, that Heavenly Father will step in, that He loves me as He loves each one of us, so much that He will be with us as Whit was with me to help walk around the park that day.  But He does want us to be able to run to the park by ourselves, and He will be our biggest cheerleader when we do it..and as I run up the hill,  I will cry tears of gratitude that He loves me enough to stay with me and encourage me through every step of my life.  He loves me enough to teach me lessons.  My across the street neighbor said the other day "It's great to see you out planting and carrying things around your house".  I learn many lessons from this particular neighbor.  The best lesson is looking at life with joy!  If nothing else this guy is joyful!  He is a happy person.  And I guess if truth be told he has lots to be sad about.  But he never goes inward....he overcomes self and always thinks of others.  He sees the good and so he becomes joyful.  While I was sick, he was always concerned and wanted progress reports , but would focus on the good reports.  Now that I am feeling better, he comments on the great things!  I watch across the street and see their heartaches and how they handle them and am amazed at their grace and dignity and their love and enjoyment of life!  They are amazing.  I learn each day just by looking across the street at their home and watch how they conduct their lives.  How blessed am I to have neighbors like that?  And how blessed am I to feel so well and be able to enjoy the summer weather,  the view of the mountain that is so close, to be able to do yard work and to be able to tend Jake.  To have fun with friends and family.  I have truly learned to be grateful for every simple blessing in my life.


Momma Fish said...

It is SO good to hear you are feeling better. You look fabulous!

whit said...

thats really nice mom