Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Unite the Clans

I read in the paper today that "Obama and McCain plan to pull ads on Sept.11 that criticize (attack) each other , a respite from the political fray to honor the anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks."  I am very interested in politics, but I will admit freely I do not understand them at all.  I think I have a simple mind.  From all I read both candidates and both political parties want the same things for our country.  Both sides have common goals for Americans.  To be prosperous, happy, lower taxes, secure, educated...the list goes on.  But how to reach that common goal is where it always gets so difficult.  When I read that for a day the two candidates won't be attacking one another to honor those that died in another attack I think everyone has gone nuts!!  As I said, maybe I am just a simple minded person, but why can't there be some give and take?  Why can't two sides see that there might be a little bit of good on the other side?  Here is a total never going to happen example:  What if McCain and Obama ran as Co- Presidents?  What if McCain appreciated and let Obama run with his youth, energy and enthusiasm...his ability to energize the people, his new ideas for change, because this old country needs change every few decades or so...and not be envious, but proud of him and what he brings to the country?  And why couldn't Obama look to McCain with love and admiration for his many years of service for his wisdom, his determination and leadership skills and will to live and great love of country and want to sit at his feet and learn from him?  And then the two of them work together?  Wow, Can anyone ever see that happening?  
     I know that I'm really going off now into the realm of unreality and romance, but a line from the movie "Braveheart" always sticks with me when things seem ununified and like they are falling apart.  William Wallace is fighting for Scotland's freedom from England and no one can agree how to go about it.  He knows that only by getting the Nobles and the Peasants to agree to be One, will they achieve that goal and William begs them to "Unite the Clans"  for freedom.
     We learned in Relief Society on Sunday that Zion is any place where people are of like mind.  Whether it is a family, a ward, a land, a Country... and when people are united they can work miracles.  So Obama and McCain...don't just stop attacking for one day to honor those who died on 9/11 - stop attacking each other every day and start working to UNITE our country everyday to honor them and every other person who has given their life for our freedom and for our Country.  The UNITED States can work miracles!!!!!!

1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

Wow! This is an awesome post! I wish they'd talk about what they want to do and how they'd do it, and quit telling us what's wrong with each other.