Saturday, September 6, 2008

Tribute to Fall

As the sun begins setting on summer
and the leaves start turning into their brilliant fall colors, my friends here in our little corner of the world get in that mood once more. It is time to get out our "tributes". The story goes like this. Years ago, when Nick was probably about 10, I had been working all day, decorating my home for the upcoming season. I put the finishing touches on my mantels and invited Pat to come over and see the finished product! As she walked through the door, Nick said, "come in and see mom's tribute to fall...and so
any decoration for any holiday, became tribute to fall..Christmas etc..and then shortened to "tribute". Well, I've seen a few tributes going up this week, and so I guess it's time to go down
into the storage room and dig out
my "fall tribute". It's a lovely time

of year and those fall colors make
everything warm and welcoming! I'll let you know when tribute is complete and you are welcome to stop by for a cup of cidar!


Amber said...

Polly! I am so glad you found me on here! Thank you for my birthday wishes. Please pass along my congratulations to Whitney on her engagement! I am very excited for her! Also, I so glad you have your own tribute to fall. Fall is my very favorite season. I love the cool crisp air and watching all the leaves change colors. Plus, I get to pull out all my cute jackets. :)

Jake said...

Beautiful!! It is my favorite time around here too. I've been having fun putting out my mums and pumpkins!