Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thankful for Thanksgiving!

After nearly three years of not being able to do Thanksgiving at my home for my family I am

grateful for good health and enjoyed setting the table...polishing the silver..making sure that each

place setting was just so...and then greeting our guests...
Whitney and Jason made Grama DeSpain's delicious dressing adding their own


Help in the kitchen is always welcome. It was fun to meet Melanie's parents... And catch Ty and Melanie's brother having a little after dinner snooze...

It was really a fun day...the food and the company was great, and right now I am mostly grateful for Jim, who is cleaning up for is so nice to feel good.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Being Prepared

We've used a couple of YW activities to get our tree ready...the festival of trees is Dec. 1 and so these "prepared" girls are working to have our beautiful tree ready to go. Their lanterns are continually lit and their light shines where ever they go...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Getting Ready for Thanksgiving!

I'm sending Jim out to get our Turkey today...I hope he gets us a tasty one!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Lessons I'm Learning

I've been attending some classes lately where I am learning some very important lessons. One of those that I am trying to implement in my life to keep me calm and peaceful goes like this:
"There are two days in every week that I shouldn't worry about...two days which should be kept from fear and apprehension. One of the days is is gone out of my control. Nothing can bring it back. Can't undo a single act performed or take back a word said. Yesterday is gone. The other day I can't worry about is tomorrow..with the possibilities of things gone wrong..or poor performance or perhaps it's great promise. Tomorrow is also beyond my control. Tomorrow's sun will rise either in splendor or behind clouds, but it will rise...until it does, I can't worry about it. That leaves only one I can fight the battles of is only when I add the burdens of yesterday and tomorrow that I break down..It is not the experiences of today that drive me crazy. It is the worry or sadness for something which happened yesterday or the dread of what might happen tomorrow. So I must do my best to live just one day at a time and at the end of the day ask myself if what I did was good enough to present to my Heavenly Father. Not to impress anyone else..if I can answer that question truthfully then I can feel good when the day is done and sleep peacefully." I have to say that I haven't got this down totally, but when I really practice this suggestion it works and I do feel more peaceful and calm.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Do you think the poet knew grama and grampa and wrote this poem for them?
The Old Fashioned Pair
'Tis a little old house with a squeak in the stairs,
And a porch that seems made for just two easy chairs;
In the yard is a group of geraniums red,
And a glorious old-fashioned peony bed.
Petunias and pansies and larkspurs are there
Proclaiming their love for the old-fashioned pair.
Oh, it's hard now to picture the peace of the place!
Never lovelier smile lit a fair woman's face
Than the smile of the little old lady who sits
On the porch through the bright days of summer and knits.
And a courtlier manner no prince ever had
Than the little old man that she speaks of as "dad."
In that little old house there is nothing of hate;
There are old-fashioned things by an old-fashioned grate;
On the walls there are pictures of fine looking men
And beautiful ladies to look at, and then
Time has placed on the mantel to comfort them there
The pictures of grandchildren, radiantly fair.
Every part of the house seems to whisper of joy,
Save the trinkets that speak of a lost young boy.
Yet Time has long since soothed the hurt and the pain,
And his glorious memories only remain:
The laughter of children the old walls have known,
And the joy of it stays, though the babies have flown.
I am fond of that house and that old-fashioned pair
And the glorious calm that is hovering there.
The riches of life are not silver and gold
But fine sons and daughters when we are grown old,
And I pray when the years shall have silvered our hair
We shall know the delights of that old-fashioned pair.
-Edgar A. Guest

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Staying Busy

I've been busy tending, cleaning out cupboards and getting ready for the festival of trees...getting pretty tired, but know that I can accomplish anything if I can sit down and enjoy a delicious one of these...oh about every 20 minutes!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Six Weeks to Go!

Heard last night that this guy has joined his brother "the golden bear" and the rest of us in the blogging world...check him out.
They're coming to town for Christmas! I don't know if we'll recognize this group, they are
getting so big.

We can't wait to see them!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Honoring Our Veterans

Dad was younger than all his grandson's when he went off to fight in World War II. All these guys were that young! It amazes me and I am so grateful to them and for the freedom and they fought to save.

I guess they took
some time out to
have a little fun..
look at those physique's!

Looks just like Benji! 

never changed!

Cute girls always wait for their
guys! I'm sure glad this one did!

Families waited anxiously at home
to receive email then.
sometimes the letters would be 3 months old and could be censored!


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hot Topic

This is such a sensitive issue, but I do feel strongly about it and want to put my feelings down on my blog. As I watched the news last night and read the newspaper this morning and have listened to what has been going on in California these past weeks concerning prop 8, I have thought alot about what's happening and it bothers me. Let me state first that I love gays. Some of the nicest most compassionate people I know are gay. .But I am upset, because the LDS church did not come out and say they were against gays. They said they were for Tradional Marriage between a man and a woman. That's all. And that is what I support. In the Tribune this morning I read and I agree that "the LDS church is singled out for speaking up as part of its democratic right in a free election... millions of others from every faith, ethnicity and political affiliation made their feelings known, why is the LDS church a target and its sacred place of worship for being a part of the democratic process? " Some of the Comments in the Tribune said "the LDS church should understand, because we used to practice polygamy", .... But once it was outlawed the church stopped the practice. What I feel gets mixed up here is "The Church" and the "people of the church". Back when the church stopped polygamy according to the laws of the land, there were still people who continued to practice polygamy...that was their choice, it was not recognized by the church anymore. Today our prophet came out in a stance for Traditional Marriage...there was no bigotry or hate there, only a stand for the very foundation of our eternal family. If people want to take that and turn the church into a hateful, bigoted run institution...then ask the millions in New Orleans, Africa, South America, Asia...every continent on the globe who have benefited from the church's humanitarian efforts... ask those people if the church ever asked what color they were, who their partner was, if they were married, no ...they just go and spend millions helping where they are needed whenever and wherever asked.
My feeling is that the Church must think it is pretty important to go through all this trouble to take a stand on Traditional Marriage. For me, eternal families are what keep me going. It was 11 years yesterday since mom died and the reunion with her and see Jim when he runs to see his dad. To see Maude as she see's her grandchildren. And then to be united with all of the strong wonderful people who are such examples to me, helps me to keep trying to be a better person here on earth... striving to be more like those that went before me, so that I can be with them when I am finished here.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I took a ride today around my neighborhood and this is what I might be cold and snowy, but it's certainly beautiful.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Change is Good

I like change...sometimes.  Usually I like change when I'm in charge of the change.  Like changing the look of my blog, or moving furniture around in my house to give things a new fresh look.  Some changes don't seem as much fun.  They are usually the changes that I'm not in control of.  But those changes can be good too.  I've done a lot of changing in the last couple of years... I had trouble breathing and now I can breath... couldn't walk down the hall into the kitchen and now I'm running all over town.. I've been every size from a 6 to a 20,  had curly hair and had no hair...was in the depths of despair and felt lonelier than I've ever felt in my life and felt so happy and surrounded by so many loved ones I could hardly express my joy.  I fought (the changes) a lot along the way until I realized that (the changes) in my life have changed me profoundly and I have learned that change is fine as long as I learn from every experience that comes along...good or bad, and let it mold me into a better person.  How does change affect you?  Is it hard to deal with or do you enjoy  the ride?

Monday, November 3, 2008

A New Look

It's raining outside... kind of gloomy, so I
decided to spiff up my blog.
Maybe a few roses to remind me that
winter has its charms, but spring is
only a few months away.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


my mom and dad dressed me up in these new pajamas and told me I was this guy named Superman who go's out and saves the world and get's good looking chicks and stuff..hey, I'm just a little kid and I don't even know how to say trick or treat.

But after wearing the pj's with that big S on the front for awhile I started to feel like I could do anything!
WOW! this is SOOOOO cool!!!!

Then I got kind a tired...

and I just wanted my grampa to hold was really an exhausting night. I hope we don't do it again for at least a year.