Monday, November 24, 2008

Lessons I'm Learning

I've been attending some classes lately where I am learning some very important lessons. One of those that I am trying to implement in my life to keep me calm and peaceful goes like this:
"There are two days in every week that I shouldn't worry about...two days which should be kept from fear and apprehension. One of the days is is gone out of my control. Nothing can bring it back. Can't undo a single act performed or take back a word said. Yesterday is gone. The other day I can't worry about is tomorrow..with the possibilities of things gone wrong..or poor performance or perhaps it's great promise. Tomorrow is also beyond my control. Tomorrow's sun will rise either in splendor or behind clouds, but it will rise...until it does, I can't worry about it. That leaves only one I can fight the battles of is only when I add the burdens of yesterday and tomorrow that I break down..It is not the experiences of today that drive me crazy. It is the worry or sadness for something which happened yesterday or the dread of what might happen tomorrow. So I must do my best to live just one day at a time and at the end of the day ask myself if what I did was good enough to present to my Heavenly Father. Not to impress anyone else..if I can answer that question truthfully then I can feel good when the day is done and sleep peacefully." I have to say that I haven't got this down totally, but when I really practice this suggestion it works and I do feel more peaceful and calm.

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