Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Valentine from Grama

Grama wrote down these words to live by,
from a book she loved. She gave them to me
soon after I was born.
I think of them today as a valentine from her.

"You can't describe love, and you can't define it.
Only it goes with you all your life.
I think that love is more like a light that you carry.
At first childish happiness keeps it lighted
and after that romance.
Then motherhood lights it and then duty...
and maybe after that sorrow. You wouldn't
think that sorrow could be a light would you?
But it can. And then after that, service lights it,
Yes...I think that is what love is to a woman..
a lantern in her hand."

-Bess Streeter Aldrich
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Thursday, January 29, 2009

What did you want to be?

When you were little did you ever dream of what you wanted to be when you grew up?

Would you want to be a brilliant scholar

or a famous golfer?

or maybe a wonderful artist? (so your art could be on baby einstein too!)

maybe a baseball player
for the Yankees... (look at
that form, does he remind you
of anyone?)

I wonder what this guy wanted to be?
(I think Taylor looks
like him)

probably a racecar driver!
What do you want to be?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Baby Einstein teaches more than babies!

While Jake is engrossed in his favorite shows...I have become engrossed in the artwork and music these wonderful dvd's have to offer. He laughs and chuckles at the pictures and puppets and I busily look at the credits at the end to find out which artist painted which painting! So while Jake is learning his first words, I am taking art history lessons.

This painting sits over my bed and I love it, but I never knew who it was by or the name of the painting. It is called "A Good Book"
by Sir Walter Firle

I love this picture, because who can resist a delicious bowl of fresh raspberries with a little bit of cream. A treat we always had at grama and grampa b's fresh from their garden. The painting is called "Bowl of Raspberries" by William B. Hough
How's that for a little art lesson? Thanks Baby Einstein!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Visit

Look who zoomed over to see me today. His mom and aunt and I did a little shopping while his dad worked on our sickly computer. Happily Jake brought us all back safely and our computer is up and running again!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Reach for the Stars

(art by Greg Olsen)
I have been inspired these
last few days. Optimism
has always been a part of my life, but it is always good to be recharged!
I found a quote that goes along with how I feel.
It goes like this:
It's time we put thought of lack behind us.
It's time for us to discover the secrets of the stars,
to sail to an uncharted land, to open up a new heaven
where our spirits can soar.
Today expect something good to happen to you
no matter what occurred yesterday. The world awaits!
-Sarah Breathnach

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Politics Aside

Putting aside who you voted was a historic day.
History is so exciting to be a part of and
I am grateful I was able to watch this happen.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The ordinary acts we practice
everyday at home are of more
importance to the soul than
their simplicity might suggest.
-Thomas Moore
(art by Robert Duncan)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dad's Birthday!

I found Dad's Baby Book and thought I'd share it on his birthday. It is Grama Bagley's handwriting, as she shares her joy..her baby's name. The day he was born, blessed etc.

Adelila was a pretty proud mother, and of course Dad was brilliant!

She kept all of his
blessings, baptism,
confirmation and
Priesthood ordination.

Happy Birthday Dad! What a great example you have always been to everyone!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Lone Peak Temple

We got to usher during the first day of the Lone Peak Temple open house. It was a beautiful day. We got there at 1:00 and were there til 5:00. The Temple is beautiful inside as well as outside. Make sure you go and take a tour. We get to do this again the last day of the open house in March. (don't you love Jim's purse)?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm finding all sorts of treasures, as I do my after Christmas cleaning. How many of you guys got one of dad's famous poems? They usually started with roses are red. I thought this one was particularly cute.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Letter from Mom

Found this nice letter from mom.. She wrote it in January the year she died. I always loved getting her notes of encouragement. This was her New Years Letter...Looking forward to the future..I'll bet you all have similar notes!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Beautiful Girl

I know a beautiful young woman. She is 17. She always looks fantastic! Dressed in the most uptodate fashions...her hair long and silky. She has the complexion we all strive for, smoothe and silky. Her makeup.. perfect. She is kind and sweet, and very smart. She has a great talent for writing and I have had the pleasure of hearing one of her stories. It was several weeks ago when Teri and I had her come to be a guest visitor at our Sunday School class. The lesson to be taught to our young audience was adversity. She sat among the kids, certainly looking no different than any of them, but when it was time for her to get up before them and she took her cane out and had to be gently led to the front of the class, it became apparant that this beautiful girl could not see. For me, nothing about this young girl is ordinary. Her every move is graceful. She looks like an angel. As she started speaking to us, she began by reading a story she had written. She opened her computer/braille book and even as her hands moved, reading the braille, they moved if she were playing the piano. She had an impact on our Sunday School kids...many shed tears as they watched and listened. I think she has an impact on people where ever she goes. This sweet girl has had to have high powered hearing aides for most of her life which are now failing her and so on Monday, she had surgery to place in her brain (or near her brain) higher powered hearing aids. For six weeks all hearing will be shut off to her and so she will not be able to see or hear anything, until they turn the hearing on. I know that she goes through ups and downs..I know that her mom and dad go through heartaches and worries about their sweet daughter. Yet they push on with determination, humor and love. They have an incredible support team of cousins, aunts and uncles...all of whom I admire and love as well. This is one beautiful girl that I know will continue to touch the hearts of many throughout her life. She has certainly touched mine.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Once Upon a Time

I thought it would be fun for my following (Marty and Jo) to make up a story with the pictures that I have put here in this post. Anyone else who reads is welcome to join in and make up a wonderful (but tasteful) tale of the sad, young and lonely woman looking out her window. Or is she old and happy, with lots of friends? Does she have a love letter in her hand or is it a note with devestating news? Is she happy or ready to jump??? Does she live in the house or is she a poor relation who is just visiting? or maybe being held against her will? What is her fate? Will the story end joyfully or is this a tragic tale? or will we never know? is your story a comedy, a romance or a mystery? look at all the pictures and tell me how your story goes in your comments. I'm dying to read it!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

It's been quite a few years since we were all together at Christmas time. We've added a few and grown a little older as well!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year

I got out of bed for the first time in a week (had a bad case of everything) and found that while I was there it snowed four feet outside and Jim was busy shoveling as usual. I had weird dreams while I was sick.

I dreamed Jim had a houseful of his favorite people and everyone was screaming go UTES really loud and eating and staying up til all hours of the night! (In the dream there were many more people than in this picture)

I dreamed that Tyler and Melanie were married and had a little blonde girl name Casey.

I dreamed that these 4 little boys lived next door to us and they came over for breakfast. We fixed them french toast and ham.

Then I woke up and realized it was a beautiful day in the neighborhood...and all was well with the world...there had been a huge party at our house...the utes beat Alabama ..Jack and Hogan had Caden and Preston over for breakfast.. oh, Ty and Melanie aren't married and no blonde haired child. Other than that, everything was pretty much like the dream.