Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Beautiful Girl

I know a beautiful young woman. She is 17. She always looks fantastic! Dressed in the most uptodate fashions...her hair long and silky. She has the complexion we all strive for, smoothe and silky. Her makeup.. perfect. She is kind and sweet, and very smart. She has a great talent for writing and I have had the pleasure of hearing one of her stories. It was several weeks ago when Teri and I had her come to be a guest visitor at our Sunday School class. The lesson to be taught to our young audience was adversity. She sat among the kids, certainly looking no different than any of them, but when it was time for her to get up before them and she took her cane out and had to be gently led to the front of the class, it became apparant that this beautiful girl could not see. For me, nothing about this young girl is ordinary. Her every move is graceful. She looks like an angel. As she started speaking to us, she began by reading a story she had written. She opened her computer/braille book and even as her hands moved, reading the braille, they moved if she were playing the piano. She had an impact on our Sunday School kids...many shed tears as they watched and listened. I think she has an impact on people where ever she goes. This sweet girl has had to have high powered hearing aides for most of her life which are now failing her and so on Monday, she had surgery to place in her brain (or near her brain) higher powered hearing aids. For six weeks all hearing will be shut off to her and so she will not be able to see or hear anything, until they turn the hearing on. I know that she goes through ups and downs..I know that her mom and dad go through heartaches and worries about their sweet daughter. Yet they push on with determination, humor and love. They have an incredible support team of cousins, aunts and uncles...all of whom I admire and love as well. This is one beautiful girl that I know will continue to touch the hearts of many throughout her life. She has certainly touched mine.

1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

What a reminder of how people deal gracefully with challenges. I hope all goes well for her.