Thursday, March 26, 2009


I had the best parents in the world. They taught me many things. They taught me to believe in myself, but mostly to have faith in God. Dad's favorite scripture was "Search diligently, pray always, and be believing, and all things shall work together for your good, if ye walk uprightly.." I always thought I had the faith thing down until recent years when I really had to put that faith to a test. It is scary to have total faith in something you can't see and just let go, but I can testify that it does work. Even though I myself have gone through the trial of having faith tested, I am reminded daily to keep that faith alive. Being with Jake does that for me.
As Jake has grown and now runs and climbs all over and has become quite independent, I have noticed something interesting. When he is by himself and he comes to some stairs, he stops and either sits down or turns around to go down, carefully so he won't fall. But if I'm there or his mom or dad is standing right next to him he just walks off the step without a second thought..knowing, without thinking that a loving hand will be there to catch him and not let him fall and hurt himself. He has the "faith of a little child". He knows that someone is there watching over him, loving him and taking care of him. He knows we won't let him down. As I watch him, my faith gets stronger in a much wiser, more loving Heavenly Father, who doesn't make mistakes and will never let me down and won't let me fall, if I will only "be believing".

Little children teach me alot. I love this scripture about faith. "I will go and do the thing which the Lord commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them to accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."
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al + sar said...

Cute post and very true!

Travelin'Oma said...

What an awesome post! The words and pictures work so well together to remind me of how lucky we are to have little kids to teach us the lessons of life in a brand new way!

Have a fun time with your boys!

mama jo said...

that was beautiful and so right..thanks...we all need that lesson.