Thursday, March 5, 2009

Great Women

On Tuesday we had a joint activity teaching how we can do great things in our lives with the help of the Lord. I gave a small story about this women, my great grandmother, Tilda Louise Lavin. She had many trials in her life, which someday I would like to thank her personally for overcoming. For she may not know it, but she did it for me and for all of her posterity. She was a young women, only 19 when she married and joined the church...Her family would cross the street to avoid talking to her. Her first child died at a year. She had another boy and then she, her husband and baby came across the ocean to Utah to be with other Mormons in Utah. She had a hard time adjusting to everything here. Just think..only 22 in a new country..a new religion, a new language! She had a baby grama..Agnes. After that she had 2 more baby boys..both died at very young ages. As any mother would be she was devastated, and had trouble getting over these deaths. But was grateful, she was sealed to them and promised to live her life so she could be with them again. She had many more trials in her life...but kept faithful to the church. Aunt Ginny told me that she was always a happy, pleasant person. I am grateful for her example...for the fact that she came here and was sealed to her family and set that example for her daughter...and all the others to follow.
Agnes Lavin Lundgren..who continued this delightful women's legacy...was sealed in the temple...had 7 children. Raised them in the church...was the sweetest grama I could ever ask for.
I think Grama and Grampa Lundgren had 28 grandchildren and I tried to count, but I'm not sure approximately 165 descendents at this point. All benefitting from their example of hard work...kindness, blessed by their dedication to the church and the blessings of the Temple.
Mom...who I think of everyday and am so grateful I listened to her. She is and was a great teacher. She kept the gospel close to her heart and always served. The Temple was very important to her. She found the perfect partner for her and they were sealed for time and eternity. I am sure she is enjoying the association she is having with her grandmother and is grateful that Tilda took the challenge and had the faith and courage to join the church and come across the ocean, and not let the trials she faced get her down and make her give up. These are all great women and I am so grateful I am forever apart of them!
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Travelin'Oma said...

We're lucky to have such a legacy. Thanks for posting this picture of mom. I haven't ever seen it.

Jake said...

What a great line of women! Thank you for keeping their legacy alive.