Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Quilt

Some years ago I spent time in a hospital, where I learned many things. I feel at this point in my life I am ready to share some of the things I wrote in my journal during that time. " We meet each morning and evening as a group. About twenty people trying to put pieces together of our broken lives. Some might think we are just a bunch of crazies, I even jokingly refer to us as the crazies, but I know now that we are all valued children of God. He loves all of us the same, whether we are in the hospital or not in the hospital. I can learn from each person I meet in the hospital whether they are the most important of doctors or the saddest of patient's. I want to find my quilt again, they have taken it away. I have thought a lot about its beautiful colors and its welcoming warmth as I wrapped myself deep into its folds. At first, I thought I might want to throw away my patch and start over again, but I don't think so. I think I'll stitch it back on, in the middle, even if I don't love the way it looks. Even if it is a little crooked. Even if it doesn't exactly fit in with all the other squares. I will leave it, because it's me, and I will learn to love and appreciate it as it is. My quilt will always remind me of lessons learned and it gives me the knowledge that things can be repaired, or sometimes should just be accepted. Sometimes the beauty is not like it was originally, but those are the consequences and I must learn to live with that. I appreciate and love all the squares in my quilt and wonder if they will all stay the same? I think as time goes by, as the quilt ages, each square moves slightly. The threads loosen and the fabric weakens, we try to repair and help make it strong again. Each square is cherished whether it stays the same or changes. We all learn different things in different ways."
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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Everyone must take the time to sit and watch the leaves turn.
Elizabeth Lawrence

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Be of Good Cheer!

"If you don't have a smile, I'll give you one of mine!"

If you are having trouble being cheerful, try doing something for someone else! (Like giving them a smile)

My lesson in Relief Society this week is from President Monson's talk "Be of Good Cheer". I've been reading and thinking alot about that this week, and just enjoying the things that I have to be cheerful about. There are many things that can get me down, but it is good to stop and cherish those moments that are truly wonderful. Just feeling the cool air in the morning through the window. Feeling Jake's arm's around me as he says "I love you Grama". Knowing that everyone in my family has a job! Healthy grandkids! Loving Friends. Simple things that continally make me happy and cheerful.
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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

An up and coming Photographer!

Jake loves camera's! He loves posing and he always wants to take pictures. So yesterday I let him take my camera and go where ever his creativity took him. Here are the results.
He calls this "Still Life"
This is "Landscape"
This is "Portrait of Grama's Feet"

Of course I think they are all fabulous! Would you like to book him for your wedding or next family photo?
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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Fun day with the Girls

"Daughters are happy memories of the past,
the joyful moments of the present,
and the hope and promise of the future."
-Author Unknown

I'm certainly glad I've got wonderful daughters to spend a lovely Saturday afternoon with!

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Autumn Days

"It is one of those perfect autumn days
which occur more frequently in memory
than in life."

-P.D. James

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

People I Admire

Marty's assignments inspired me to write about Grama Lundgren and how she taught me! She was such a kind and gracious lady. And she had a talent of making me feel special. She had 7 children and, I don't know, about 45 grandchildren. But I always felt like I was just a little more special than the rest. I'm sure I wasn't, so I feel it is a talent or a gift when someone can make the people they come in contact with feel that way. Feel that they are important, that they are great just the way they are and that they are loved. Grama made me feel that way! We wrote letters to each other when Jim and I were first married and we lived in Logan, and she would write how it was for her when she was first married. I loved it when I received an envelope with her very distinctive handwriting on it. Grama also had a great sense of humor. She enjoyed life. She was a lady of grace and beauty and I would like to be like her.
Others that have shown me lately, by their example are my brother and sister in law..Tam and Kevin. I loved watching them while we were in Mexico. They don't just go down there and give stuff to the people. They give of themselves and the people feel it. They love these people that they serve, and like Grama Lundgren, they make each one feel special. What a gift, not just to give the material goods that are so needed, but to give of yourself.
I came home feeling that, I may not be able to start a foundation for people in a different country, but I can follow the example of my Grama and these great people, by just making the people around me feel special, by taking interest in those I come in contact with and going out of my way to show love and interest in my neighbors, my family, in strangers at the store!
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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I am Concerned!

Today the President of the United States is giving a speech to the children of this nation. I am concerned by the uproar by so many around this country. Many people do not want their children to hear any speech given by this President for fear of what he will say to them. Before I go on, I want to state that my political views are usually conservative, although I do look at what a candidate says and does before I vote for him or her. I just feel that it is a sorry state of affairs that because of party lines we have lost sight of the respect we owe our elected officials, especially our President.
Laura Bush and other very conservative Republicans have read President Obama's speech, and have encouraged parents to let their children listen to what the President has to say. President Reagan and President Bush gave the same type of speech about furthering education in this country and there was never this kind of uproar about them talking to our kids.
I was just a little girl when President Kennedy was in office. My parents were republicans. I am sure they did not agree with all that he did or his politics. But they taught me to respect the office that he held. When President Kennedy came to SLC in September of 1963, and spoke in the Tabernacle, my mother took me to see him, because it was historic! The President came to our city! What an honor! I learned from their example that you don't have to agree with somebody, you certainly should fight to change things that you feel need changing, but you always respect those that are serving, and you certainly don't turn a deaf ear to what they are saying..otherwise how do you know whether you agree or disagree?
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Monday, September 7, 2009

"oh my good heabens! what a lot of flowers!" says Jake as he wanders thru my garden. What could be better than a visit from him on a Saturday afternoon.
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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Sister

Marty came before me, and so I was always lucky enough to have her as a teacher! She's always been there to let me know which books she has read and tell me which are the best!
She experienced "love" before me! and I couldn't wait to follow in her footsteps, and fall in love!
She always dressed in the latest style! Fashion tips from Marty have always been the greatest! (When I was young, she hated it when I would raid her closet) I loved her hand-me-downs!
She's always shared mothering tips with me and I love her great advice on how she conquers the world! Now she is brave and going ahead to see what being 60 is like! What a nice sister, to prepare the way as she has always done. Figuring everything out to make it easier for me, as I am not far behind. Thanks for being such a great sister, for being my advisor, my teacher, my substitute mom, but most of all my dear friend. I love you... have a happy day. love, Polly
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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Swiss Days!

Pat and I had a fun morning at Swiss Days.

We got some guy to take our picture, if we would advertise his lotion! Aren't we great models?

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Faces of the Village


I'm going to have to write about our adventure in Mexico for the next few days! What an experience. We were able to be part of Jim's sister and brother in law's "Mayan Miracle". They have adopted a village deep in the jungle's of Mexico, and when they see Kevin's van coming in, the children run to tell their mother's and soon they show up dressed in their best clothing, to be loved and hugged by these good people who have become their friends.
Sorting through clothes to make sure there is something for everyone!
Lined up with bags and we fill them with supplies. Such sweet people.
The children have very few school supplies and so pencils and other school needs are a big hit! The smiles on faces and hugs of welcome were heartfelt and made my heart break a bit as we left. They are grateful for so little. I appreciate Tam and Kevin for giving me the opportunity to see and participate in what they are doing. It truly is a miracle!
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