Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Quilt

Some years ago I spent time in a hospital, where I learned many things. I feel at this point in my life I am ready to share some of the things I wrote in my journal during that time. " We meet each morning and evening as a group. About twenty people trying to put pieces together of our broken lives. Some might think we are just a bunch of crazies, I even jokingly refer to us as the crazies, but I know now that we are all valued children of God. He loves all of us the same, whether we are in the hospital or not in the hospital. I can learn from each person I meet in the hospital whether they are the most important of doctors or the saddest of patient's. I want to find my quilt again, they have taken it away. I have thought a lot about its beautiful colors and its welcoming warmth as I wrapped myself deep into its folds. At first, I thought I might want to throw away my patch and start over again, but I don't think so. I think I'll stitch it back on, in the middle, even if I don't love the way it looks. Even if it is a little crooked. Even if it doesn't exactly fit in with all the other squares. I will leave it, because it's me, and I will learn to love and appreciate it as it is. My quilt will always remind me of lessons learned and it gives me the knowledge that things can be repaired, or sometimes should just be accepted. Sometimes the beauty is not like it was originally, but those are the consequences and I must learn to live with that. I appreciate and love all the squares in my quilt and wonder if they will all stay the same? I think as time goes by, as the quilt ages, each square moves slightly. The threads loosen and the fabric weakens, we try to repair and help make it strong again. Each square is cherished whether it stays the same or changes. We all learn different things in different ways."
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1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

I love the image of the quilt, with each square supporting the next one. You have a great perspective on keeping it beautiful.