Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Girl

I remember a day I first used the Kelkemp Hug! It felt so good. I was sitting in a class next to a young girl. She was struggling so. I could feel her anguish and for just that moment she felt as though she was my child. I touched her arm and asked if I could hug her? She nodded yes and as I put my arms around her and said "it will be OK" and stroked her hair, she started sobbing. The tears seemed to give her some sort of release, just as holding her gave me the same release, and relief. Just to hold someone. To have that human contact. I'd never met that girl until that day and yet I loved her and she loved me. When someone shows us compassion, or we take the time to feel someone else's hurt and do something, we become friends instantly. Maybe if only for that moment, while the kindness is happening. But the feeling is so powerful that you might want to do something like that again in the future, whether you are the giver or the recipient. I might be in the opposite position another time and will be ever so grateful when someone is there to hold me in their arms. The power of human touch is unbelieveable. Something to give freely and when received to be cherished with much gratitude.

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