Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Great Legacy

Jim and I went to the Jazz game the other night. We took trax down, went to dinner at the Nauvoo cafe and then wandered through Temple Square before the game. It was a beautiful night. We went into the south visitors center where they show you how the Temple was constructed. It is amazing, even having learned and known about it all my life, it is great to be reminded of what a remarkable achievement this building is.

We were talking to some lovely sister missionaries who explained how the granite was brought down the canyon by ox drawn carts like these. These sisters were from Brazil and New Zealand, and they as they told of the Saints sacrifice they got tears in their eyes. Then they asked where we were from and if we were members of the church?

(Granite spread around Temple square)

We told them that we were members of the church and that we both had ancestors who had actually worked on the Temple and who had come across the plains. Their eyes got big and they asked how we felt, that we would have our own people work on this great Temple and come as pioneers and give up all that they had for the gospel. I replied that I felt grateful and blessed that I came from such a family, and only hope to live to meet them and thank them for their great example and willingness to do all that they did.

What a great legacy!

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