Sunday, June 20, 2010

What my father left me.

My dad accomplished many things in his life. He fought in a war, he married my mom, he finished college and had a successful optometry practice. He had children, he coached basketball and softball. He was a land developer. He built a golf course. He traveled. He served in his church. He did lots of other things. But what I admire him for the most was the fact that he never gave up and that he loved to laugh and that he was a wonderful dad and grampa. He loved his wife, my mother, and he loved us kids and our kids. And, he had tons of faith that things would work out. He gave me a magical childhood with lots of love, laughter and fun. When I feel sad that he is gone, I just think of what he left me, his humor, his stories, his joy of life, his smile, his persistence, his love, and I feel happy. What a great inheritance I received from my father.

The father of my kids has accomplished many things in his life, but I know he would say his greatest accomplishment is his kids. He loves his 5 children and almost 7 grandsons. He shows his love for them by working hard, by doing anything he can to help them. Always interested in what they are doing. They are lucky to have such a loyal, hardworking, honest, loving man for their dad and I am grateful he is the father of my children. I am truly blessed.

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1 comment:

mama jo said...

we did have a magical childhood...lucky us!
jim doesn't look old enough to have those 'old' kids!