Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Tyler

Tyler has always brought me a great deal of happiness. He was a happy baby. A nice kid to have around growing up. And way fun to watch while he played sports. He grew up to be a great looking guy. He never liked his birthday, because it was right when he had to go back to school. We tried to make it fun anyway.

This year he's giving us a present. After 36 years, (with a lot of help from his beautiful wife, Melanie) he's giving us our 7th grandson! So Happy Birthday Ty! Thanks for all the fun years so far. (The Red Velvet Cake is made and will delivered tonight).

Have a great day.

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Early Morning Walk

I took an early morning walk around my garden this morning. How lovely and green everything was. The air was cool and soft. The flowers are all blooming away as they should in late August. What a perfect way to start the day.
George Washington said, "I had rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world."
I understand his thinking. I would rather be in my garden than be queen of everything.
(not that anyone is asking me to be queen)

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Learning the Classics!

These two little boys make my life complete! When I'm feeling low I just think of the fun we have three days a week, and I am grateful. Grateful for my health, so that I can keep up with them. Grateful that Abby and Mike trust me to take care of their kids, and grateful for their loving, sweet ways.
After playing outside in the morning it's time for one of Sam's shows. Jake already likes to pretend he's too old for 'Baby Einstein'. But he really still loves them. Which I am grateful for. The two favorites are these:

And, Oh my goodness! When we get to Beethoven's 5th, we have to play it over at least 3 times! Jake loves it that much. He and I lead as if we had a huge orchestra in front of us. (Actually, it's just baby Sam wondering what we are doing with our arms). But he'll soon be joining in, cause he's smiling like he knows it's lots of fun!

Next on the list is Baby Neptune, because right in the middle (and Jake knows right when it is going to start) THE WALTZING SONG! And we're ready. First Jake and I waltz around the room and then it's Sam's turn (he's just learning how to waltz). We have to rewind at least 4 times. Two dances for each kid! Plenty of exercise for Grama. (This is suppose to be rest time). After this it is naptime, so that's when I finally get a tiny rest.

Thanks Baby Einstein for introducing the kids Beethoven and Strauss.

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Getting ready for the BABY!

We had a shower last night for Melanie.
What fun to gather both sides of the family together to celebrate
this exciting event!
Abby and Whitney did most of the work pulling everything together.
Cute invitations, delicious salads, cupcakes in mason jars.
It was fun to have Melanie's mom come and meet everyone,
as we sat and had a lovely dinner and lots of
good conversation out in the garden.

Ty finally arrived and they got down to opening some wonderful presents. Beautiful clothes, baby supplies, books,
and Tyler's own backpack. Couldn't have been a better way to welcome their new little one into the family.

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Heaven on Earth

As I have in the past I sometimes like to put in a bit of my journal from when I was sick. I found this entry today. I am so filled with gratitude for this special place I call my home that I would like to share this particular entry.

" Being sick in bed for two years is a long time. I haven't gone much farther than my bedroom, but I feel sometimes as if I've travelled through the world. I have learned how kind people are and at the same time, as I sit and watch the news on TV, I see how mean people can be to others. How is it that a group of people can co-exist in this beautiful place at the foot of our majestic mountains, loving, living by, and caring for each other? And in other places the people hate their very neighbors? Why is it so hard to see the good in people and just accept them? I must be very naive, because I just don't get it. In this neighborhood we have had so many sad and heartbreaking times, but the bitter is made sweet because so many people care, love and don't judge. When something goes really wrong, it affects us all, because we love one another and we all have hearts that break into little pieces over and over. Hearts must be pretty resilient, because it is the only organ in the body that I know of that can break or shatter and yet be fixed by another's love, without even seeing a doctor."

The people are the ones who make this place just a little bit of Heaven on Earth.

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Polly's Flower Garden

Look what I found growing in my garden! Flowers seem to be coming up in the most unusual places this year. I've got so many I don't know what to do with them all. They come in all different shapes, colors and sizes. The ones I've picked for myself I've been using in such fun ways.

I've been pinning them to my pearl necklaces, and any old bracelet that I want to add a little pizzaz to.

There are some that have gotten so big, that I can't possible wear them, so I've been pinning them on pillows. They really make a tired old pillow stand out. And for some reason these flowers don't seem to dry out or die when I pick them from my garden!?!

I'm sure I'll find other ways to use them, like maybe pinning them to a lapel or possibly clipping them in my hair? Do middle aged women clip flowers in their hair? I don't know, I tend to go overboard when I find something I like to do.

Remember when everything in my house was stenciled?

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Sun after the Storm

I enjoyed a beautiful evening last night. Relief Society in Teri's lovely backyard. Tasty salad's, wonderful company and a speaker who had so many timely reminders on what is myth and truth in our lives. What a nice way to end a busy day. She spoke about how we are all here to learn and grow. Whatever happens in our lives is for that purpose. It made me really reflect on the past few years. The many difficulties, hardships, mistakes, and problems. All for reasons to grow. For my own growth, for my loved ones. Everything is for a reason. But if we just sit and let it steamroll over us it will be for nothing. Not everything is perfect right now, but comparitively speaking my days are so much better. Never will a day go by that I will not be grateful for good health. Looking at the pictures from my last post, I can only be joyously happy that I could enjoy such a day with friends and little ones and have the health to be there and the stamina to take care of those two boys. I know that storms will always be on the horizon, but that is the way it is suppose to be and I know now that I have the strength (with Heavenly Father's help) to see myself through those storms and look forward to the beautiful sunny days that always follow.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Fun Play Day

Abby's away on business, so the kids and I decided to party! We had the Winchester girls and and children over for a swim and a little playing in the yard. They all had a great time, until...

This little incident happened. I don't know if Janey was hitting the ball or smacking Warren. He got over it though and the fun continued.

Whitney came along and played ring around the rosies on the tramp with the little ones.

Sam looked like he wanted to get up and run and join in. Maybe in a few months.

The Winchesters and our family used to spend many happy days swimming when these girls were little, so it was fun to have Whit, Annie, and Meredith over now that they are grown.

Summer days are lovely.

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Primary, here I come!

I remember all the time I was sick, I would promise Heavenly Father that if He would just get me through this and make me well I would serve anywhere He wanted me to. I've had it pretty easy since I got better. But I guess it's time to get back to work. I got called to be a counselor in Primary on Sunday. I was pretty surprised. I figured my primary days were over. But I guess all that "I am like a Star Shining Brightly" singing to Jake and Sam has caught up with me. I am back in my young motherhood days. (in a grama's body) Little children during the week and the weekend, but I truly love their dear little ways. I am so grateful for good health to be able to keep up with them.

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Saturday, August 7, 2010

I am like a Star...

Jake and I sing this song everytime I am with him. He knows it really well. Yesterday I was trying to get him to take his nap, but I had to leave him for a minute to rock Sam, so I told him to lay on his bed and look at the stars on his wall and I'd be right back. I could hear him kind of humming while I was rocking Sam and when I went back into his room, he had taken his little microphone and was singing into it quietly

"I am like a star shining brightly..."
He finished the song and I layed down by him and told him how important it was for us all to be happy and do good things each day. He hugged me and said "I love you grama polly" I sighed with utter contentment and we took a little nap.

"People are like stars...we all have our own special light that shines from within. Sometimes we find our light to be dim and we struggle to shine, but that is when we need the light shed from the other stars to help us light our path once again. A true light that comes from within, from our divine Maker is so brilliant that it penetrates into the souls of the other stars onto which it shines, leaving it's impression for eternity.
Are you shining for someone today?"

author unknown
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Another Road Trip

Teri, Dale, Jim and I are starting to get around. We've seen the coast of Maine, driving from Boston to Bar Harbor. Loved it. We've driven around the beautiful countryside of Indiana and Kentucky. We've seen the ruins in Mesa Verde, driving home through the rugged Colorado mountains. Now we're off to see Mt. Rushmore! Driving home through the state of Montana and then down through Yellowstone! How fun to see the country by car. To stop in little towns , get out, wandering at our leisure. Can't wait to get out on the open road and see what's out there!

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