Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Harvest Boutique

Two years ago my talented daughters, nieces and a few friends created the Harvest Boutique. They had such a good time that they decided to do it again! This time it will be in Park City and I have decided not to miss out on the fun, so I'm picking some of the most perfect flowers from 'Polly's Garden' and taking them with me.

There will also be delicious gourmet goodies, children's items, quilts and table runners, accessories, aprons, holiday decorations, holiday notecards, gifttags, stitchery, and much more. October 23rd is the date, so mark it on your calendar. Hope to see you there!

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Overcoming Myself

Ever since I was little I have had an unexplainable fear of heights. I did not like bleachers, winding canyon roads, tall buildings, airplanes. I'd go up in buildings, mountains, airplanes, but experience severe anxiety. Some things have to be overcome on your own. Whenever I was in these high places I was usually surrounded by supportive people, but it did not matter. The strange, overwelming fear would just rise up anyway. Sometimes anxiety has to be put to rest by something inside. I remember the last time I felt anxiety over flying. I flew to England by myself to visit my son Nick. On the way I experienced a gall bladder attack on the plane and fainted. It was a horrible experience. It had nothing to do with being up high. But for some reason, after that I have not been afraid to fly. I finally decided that it was time to put my fear of heights to bed. On Saturday while at Snowbird I looked at that tram going up the mountain. I thought it looked awful suspended in the air so high. But, what the heck, I've learned that you don't die from anxiety so up I went and I found out...

there is a whole different view, from the top if you are brave enough to look down!

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Thursday, September 23, 2010


As we grow older and we no longer have mothers around to love us. It is nice to have sisters who step in and fill the void. Sisters have been with us since the beginning through good and bad. We come from the same place. We have the same memories. We can laugh at things without having to say much. We can get a tear in our eye without having to say much. Each one of my sisters have a bit of my mom in them and I am grateful for who they are and the example they are to me. I love you both.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumned. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude."
Denis Waitley

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hugs and Grandkids

On a day when I wasn't feeling my best, I was greeted by Jake with a big hug. I hadn't seen him for almost two weeks since we both had taken vacations. Sam almost jumped into my arms! After our little reunion, we dove right into our routine. Playtime and where is this toy and that superhero? Jake was missing his first mate's helmet and the first mate (he had the finns). It's just one of his many toys, but very important to him, so the first emergency (that's what he called it) of the day started. From his perspective it is an emergency and so must be treated as an EMERGENCY! So the first mission of the day for spy grama, spy Jake, and spy baby Sam. We emptied all the baskets and buckets of his toys one by one, looked through them and then put them back until - guess what, we found first mate and helmet! The best part of the whole deal is when Jake looked up and said, "grama, you are my best friend."
How grateful I am for sweet little children who love to hug their grama and be my friend.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Pictures

While Jim was looking at the wildlife, I was enjoying the beautiful landscapes. I couldn't get over how just bales of hay could look so lovely as we drove by.

And of course, I can't walk by a flower without snapping a picture. These little wildflowers were on the path as we walked along Mt. Rushmore.

"Wildflowers...grow where they will and show up year after year - like a forever friend."
-author unknown

I love that quote, love the wildflowers, love the beauty I see as I pass by.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Travels across the Country

I've been posting about our road trip, now here are some pictures. We started out last Thursday. Driving up through Wyoming, stopping at Martin's Cove, staying in Casper and then on the second day stopping in at Devil's Tower. If you look close at the picture on the left you can see the guys climbing.

Saturday we saw Mt. Rushmore and drove through the Needles Highway. Being at Mt. Rushmore on 9/11 was amazing. So inspiring, with a special program. Loved it when they lit up the Mountain!

The last leg of the journey was the Badlands and then on to Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. Jim wanted to see a bear and some elk, and he got his wish. Of course we saw "Old Faithful". Never have I seen such varied and beautiful country in such a short time. We truly live in a great nation.

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Monday, September 13, 2010

As we leave the South Dakota area today, I am convinced that anywhere you go in this beautiful land of ours, you will find something spectacular. We have covered a lot of ground and have been amazed at all that we have seen. From the carved Presidents in Mt Rushmore, to the Needles, to the Badlands. The towns of Wall and Deadwood were interesting. All were fun to see and unexpected. This morning we are off to travel through Montana and into Yellowstone. More beauty and fun as we are on the road again.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mount Rushmore

Yesterday we spent the day at and around Mt Rushmore. It was amazing and beautiful. Never realized how inspiring it could be to actually be there. To find out how it came to be. Why they chose the Presidents that are carved there. The story of the artist behind the carvings and the workers. We all loved it! The ride around the surrounding area is also unreal. We are finding through these road trips that every part of this country has something to offer and totally worth seeing. More sightseeing today.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Devils Tower

We finally made it to Rapid City, SD. Along the way we stopped at the amazing Devil's Tower. It just rises up from the ground out in the middle of nowhere. The story goes that some little Indian girls were being chased by a bear and some rock just came out of the ground, and saved them from the bear. Then they were taken up into the sky and are they are now 7 little stars! To hike around it is about one and a half miles. While we were hiking we saw 6 or 7 climbers scaling this huge rock or mountain or formation or whatever it is! I think it is about 1200 feet high. If you get a permit, you can climb it. Whit and Jason you would have loved it! Pictures will come later. Tomorrow we're off to Mount Rushmore.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

On the Road

We started our road trip this morning! First hurdle achieved as master organizers Dale and Jim got all our luggage to fit in our trunk. (Teri and I don't pack light). But it is vacation and the first rule is to never complain and do all tasks with a smile. And we were off. Just happy to be travelling away from everyday cares, worries, and work. Captain and Co-Captain in front (Dale and Jim) and happy passengers in back with pillows, blankets, games and books. I won"Who Wants to a Millionaire," so I guess the trip's on me! But Teri's way ahead in our card game. We stopped in at Martins Cove and were given the royal treatment by the missionaries there. They drove us all the way out from the visitors center. When I visited there with our Trek Group about 15 years ago, there wasn't anything there. No monuments, no visitors center, nothing. Dale, Teri and Jim had been there in more recent years and so have seen it like it is. It was very cool to be there with just the 4 of us and our guide and have her share some very inspiring stories. Tomorrow we're off to see Devil's Tower and will arrive in Rapid City. Having a great time.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Burning Books

This burning of the Koran thing has me burning. The idea of burning any book is such an awful thought to me I can't even go there. I have trouble throwing away an old paperback that I really didn't like, just because I think of the work it took to write it. My son and sister are writers and I see the blood, sweat and tears that go into writing books and I have great admiration for anyone that does that. The Koran is a book of divine guidance revealed from Allah to Mohammad over 23 years. This is Muslim Holy Scripture, so it is very sacred to them. So I find the idea of the Reverend guy who is going to burn it in VERY BAD TASTE AND A VERY STUPID THING TO DO! Having said that, I think of what happens in country's all over the world, some that aren't free, where the citizens would probably be jailed for burning their holy scripture, yet it is OK to burn our flag and no one seems to get all that upset about it. I remember during the Vietnam War when people here were burning our own flag. I was taught that you didn't even drop a flag on the ground because of the respect we owed it. I think if someone today burned our Bible no one would make that big a deal about it. I'm just saying it isn't right either way, but no one seems to care about America's symbols. I've looked up some things about the Koran and it seems like beautiful scripture. I have a necklace with an ancient Hebrew word "psala" written on it, which means 'to pause'. I love my own scripture which says "...if there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy we seek after these things". It seems like we should take time 'to pause', and 'seek after good things'.
I am grateful I live in a country where we have the freedom to worship and or say what we think. (Even if it is in disgracefully bad taste). As my husband, our friends and I leave to travel across this beautiful land these next couple of days I will remember that this is the greatest nation and I am blessed to be born here and a citizen of this Country.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day

My beautiful old stairs to Upper Garden were falling apart. So this summer Jim's project has been rebuilding them. The new retaining wall and stairs are amazing! Jim has just about killed himself. Last time he built the retaining walls and steps in our yard he was about 32 years younger. These walls seem to lack some of the old charm, but when we add a few pots and get some vines growing they will be much lovlier than the old. And they won't be falling apart.

Not quite finished, but hoping to be today or within another work day or two. Jim's given up a lot of fun this summer to get this done! Thanks Jim, for always working to keep my garden as beautiful as it is!

As the work goes on, the garden becomes a workplace. Notice, tablecloth gone, instead of quiet dinners outside the table is now a workbench. Quiet moments outside in the garden don't happen, with the saw whirring in the evenings, but late fall and next year will be lovely when all the work is done. I've told Jim he's got next year off!

While he's been working outside, I've been working on some projects indoors. Getting out a bit of 'Fall Tribute' and trying my skills at photoshop. Making more and more flower pendants, primary sharing time, relief society reports, taking care of the little ones. So grateful for my health! Happy Labor Day!!!

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Grama on Ebay?

Mike and Abby put some of their gently used odds and ends on ebay when they no longer need them. Jake spends alot of time with his dad, watching him take a picture of whatever he is putting on ebay and then deciding what it will go for. The other day we were playing in Jake's room. Of course Jake has his own camera and a little play computer. Very quickly he took a picture of me. He said, "smile grama for your picture,". Then he did some quick work on his computer while saying, " Now we'll put you on ebay"! (I hope my picture turned out well). Mike asked him later what my price was, and Jake said "$25! I guess I better do a good job or I'll be put on ebay and sold to the highest bidder!!!
(i guess my picture wasn't very good)