Saturday, February 26, 2011


I guess I'll have to wait a bit to start the garden. 
As it is snowing...

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I am a gardner. 
It is the end of February and so I am feeling that familiar longing to have my hands in the dirt.
Just to start clearing out the winter and make way for glorious spring.
And then on to planting.
At this point I never know what my garden will be like this year.
Will it flourish?  Will there be many different colors?
Will the water be plentiful and keep the plants looking green and luscious?
Or will the winds come and dry things out, making it a difficult task to make each plant stand on its own?
Will I be in good health, so I can take care of each plant to the best of my ability, or will I have to turn that task over to someone else?  I don't know.  All those things have happened in the past and many other
scenerios turn up year after year.  It is always different.  Some years my garden is beyond my expectations.  The vines are green and grow up the trellis just so.  The colors I pick for my annuals look like
a painting. Other years things are out of sinc.  Colors don't blend.  The vines are sparse.  What happened?
In the past when I have encountered disappointment I become discouraged.
I second guess myself, thinking what else could I have done?
Could I have been more attentive to my flowers?  Could I have cared for them any better?
If I really think about it, the answer is no.  I never let them die.  I take care of them
to the best of my ability.  Things just happen in a garden that are beyond the caretaker's control.
To enjoy one's garden all you can do, is be willing to plant the seeds, nourish and care for them
 then stand back and see what happens.
I have learned a few things as a gardner.

The years come and go.
I am at peace.
It is what it is.  I do what I can.   I can't change the weather. 
I can't change my abilities - my health, my strength, my age.
I can just try.  I love my garden.  I can just plant the flowers,
care for them, nourish them, love them, enjoy them.
They are, afterall God's creations. 
I am just the gardner.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


We haven't all been together for awhile. 
 Friday I just had Dylan, and Monday just Jake and Sam. 
 So today it's all three, together again. 
 This morning for just a minute the sun went behind a cloud.  
Jake was concerned, because it was getting dark.  But a moment later out came the sun again. 
 Of course he was happy because it was all sunny again. 
 He can't wait for it to get warm so we can go out and play.  
These little boys are like the sunshine to me. 
 If a cloud makes it a little dark in my world, I just have to come over here where the sun shines continually. 
 They are busy, need attention...make messes - all the things that come with little ones.  
Their wants are so simple.  Most everything solved with loves, kisses, stories and songs.  
Jake most definately is in charge around here. Because, besides me, he is the only one who can talk.  He is into rhyming lately.  Sam is "Sambam",  I am "Grama pollyfolly,
 and Dylan is little "dylsiewylsie". 
 Sam is trying to do everything Jake does which Jake doesn't like. 
 Mostly he likes to be loved with his blanket wrapped around him. 
 And "dylsiewylsie, just smiles and smiles and takes it all in.  
Ever since Jake was little when the Blue Danube came on Baby Einstein, I would pick him up and we would waltz around the room. 
 Now when he hears it he starts waltzing around and I pick Sam up. 
Jake bows at the end of the music.  
The other morning Jake was eating, Sam was laying down watching the show.  
The music came on - "oh no" Jake said, "we can't dance." 
 Just at that moment Sam's head poked up ready to go. 
He's learned when that particular music is on ~ we waltz!  
And so the days go.  
The grama with her little boys.  
A bit of crying here and there.  
But mostly playing, laughing, having fun. 
 and me? 
watching them grow and loving them more each day. 
What better way to spend my time?  

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


It was Hogan's 10th birthday yesterday.
Can't believe he's that old.
Seems like a minute ago I travelled to Mexico to tend him.
He was only 9 months old at the time.
He's moved around alot since then.
Always with a mitt and ball with him or kicking a soccer ball.
He's a natural.
He reminds me of both his dad and his Uncle Tyler rolled into one.
He's got his dad's intensity and competive spirit.
 With Ty's knowledge of the game and calm natural ability.
It's a good combination.
He's a good boy.
He's grandson # 3.
(out of 7)
He's got beautiful brown eyes.
like his grampa...
and his dad.

He's a Natural.
Happy Birthday Hogan.
Grama Polly
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Monday, February 21, 2011


When Jim and I were first married,
my mom made sure we had a beautiful set of sterling silverware.
I didn't get it.
We could hardly afford to eat, and yet that first Christmas we received our sterling and several sterling silver platters.
At the time it seemed kind of silly.
We were living in a trailor, going to school.
 But as we got into things in our little home, entertaining our friends was really all we could afford to do.
When I had guests for dinner I always brought out my best silverware.
When the party was over I would wash each piece by hand and place it back in its special case so it would not tarnish.
Because I wanted it to last, I treated it differently.
I've come to love my silverware, my silver platters, and the special china I inherited from my mom. They are precious and I use them often.
I also love to clean them after I use them.
I always loved how the silver gleams and how it would shine after I polished it.
 If it becomes tarnished, I polish it until it gleams like new.
It becomes more beautiful and precious as time goes by.
 Just like a marriage, a friendship, or relationship between parent and child.
To keep these precious and glowing they must be handled with the utmost care.

"If you want something to last forever, you treat it differently...
It becomes special because you have made it so."
Elder F. Burton Howard
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I've been starving myself and can't lose any weight.  No time or money or reason to shop. Waiting for spring and it just keeps on snowing.  Every day there is an inch of dust from Jim's project. (the bathroom) , don't feel like cleaning.  I've got the flu for about the 4th time this year. 
It's February and the winter blahs have set in. Since there isn't anything else to do I thought I'd do a blog makeover... again. 
 If I can't give myself a makeover
and I can't give my house a makeover,
and I can't get outside to plant and weed and generally get started in my garden,
then I guess from now until whenever that time comes I'll fiddle around with my blog. 

Wouldn't it be lovely to go inside your closet and click something
and have all your shirts and sweaters change colors?
Instead of gray, black and brown -
they would be a rosy pink or a soft blue?
or maybe an eye popping orange!
Then onto my house and there would be bright floral arrangements
everywhere, their scent would be reassuring me -
 spring is coming!
I could click and the dust would be gone from Jim's sanding.
Click - and my yogart meals would produced my youthful
30 year old figure once again.

Of course my computer doesn't live with me in my real life.
It lives downstairs,
which is why when I am upstairs,
 living in the real world,
I come down here and makeover my blog quite often.

(I am usually quite a content person, but you know, it's February, it's snowing, I have the flu, the winter is long~ blah, blah, blah)

Friday, February 18, 2011


What can I say about my beautiful baby?
That she's beautiful? Everybody that see's her knows that.
That she's really a twin seperated at birth?
Whit and her cousin Marta may not share the exact birthday
but they truly share the same heart and soul.
Did you know that this adventurous women used to be so shy and quiet that
she had to be pushed onto the
basketball court when she was a YW?
She didn't like to leave my side when she was little.
She now climbs mountains,
goes to all ends of the earth, hikes,
 rides around in small airplanes with her husband
and I'm sure tons of other stuff I
have no idea of.
She is a woman of strength and courage.
Did you know that Whitney used to be kind of unsure of herself?

Have you ever been to her apartment
and witnessed her decorating skills?
Or seen her in action as she teaches yoga, so sure of herself, so graceful
as she goes through every move.
Have you ever seen her distinct handwriting and stitchery?
 Can't find anything
more beautiful. It is so unique.
Just like she is.
And of course there's that beautiful smile
and huge heart. Can't find anything like
either one.
She's an original.
I love you, Whit.
Have a Happy Birthday.
Love, mom
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Thursday, February 17, 2011


My daughter has been tired lately. Her youngest child isn't sleeping very well. And both her kids have been sick this winter - alot. It's an old story. But not for her. When I go to her house and see her tired eyes, I feel so bad for her. But I can't do a thing. She is a mother and must live through this time in her life. It doesn't do any good to say that I lived through this with five kids. Because, that was me. When you are living through your own trials it doesn't matter if the whole world has gone through it. You are the tired one, the sad one, the broken hearted one. My sweet niece just wrote in her blog about her sorrows of not being able to have a baby right now. How broken hearted she is. It doesn't matter how many others have gone through this particular heart break. It is hers, and she suffers as no one else could, because it is her heartbreak. The one thread that links all of this together is that we learn a bit of compassion through these trials and heartbreaks. We learn to love a little more deeply. We learn as we go through our lives and have different things happen to us that one of the greatest blessings we share are our sisters, our mothers, our grandmothers, aunts, and girlfriends. Because, even though we don't share particular sorrows, we have had our own and so we understand and we love deeply and care for one another. I am ever grateful for those that have given me strength to move forward when I have hit bumps in the road. Women of strength and courage who have overcome and continue to overcome difficulties and sorrows, yet they smile and laugh and serve others.
Each of these sweet women have a different story to tell. They have all had sorrows and triumphs as they lived and still live with grace and compassion.
They are examples to me.
How could I live without my mothers, sisters, daughters?
The bond is strong, unbreakable.
Each has a different strength, a unique characteristic,
something that makes them beautiful.
And friends, what would we do without our dear friends?
They share everything with us. They laugh with us, they cry with us.
They are like sisters.
How fortunate to be women. We feel deeply. That is why when things go wrong, we feel as if we can't take another step. Yet, we have one another to take that step with us, to hold our hand, to love us unconditionally.

I am so grateful for the many women in my life.
They have been an example to me, they have taught me, they have been there for me,
they have laughed with me,
but most of all they have loved me.
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Saturday, February 12, 2011


Tonight we had a great party. Birthdays for Melanie and Whitney - with a little Valentine's theme going on. We had a great time gathering everyone together.
The little one's always like to play with their favorite Aunt Whitney and Uncle Fun (Jason). There were Valentine's for everyone.
We had a fabulous Italian meal - totally vegitarian - Italian for Melanie, veggie for Whit. With of course, our delicious Red Velvet Cake as dessert. Couldn't have done it without Abby's contributions, especially her famous Ceasar Salad.
It was a fun evening.
Love getting together with the family.
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and, the last valentine....

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Are we tired of Valentines yet?

I'm having fun listening to these old James T and Carole King songs.
They're great inspirations for a valentine!
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Valentine from Dad

This was a favorite saying of my dad's. Or was it my mom's? I can't remember. It was said around our home with much affection. I actually think the sentiment is great. We should love each other with all our funny little quirks and oddities.
Happy Day!
Love, Polly
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Saturday, February 5, 2011

A tribute to Valentines Day

As a tribute to Valentines Day I thought I would post a few in the coming days. Just to spread a little love around to those who want to take a peek.
Hope you have a nice day!!!
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bathroom update

The bathroom is progressing. The work has begun. Here is what is left of the old bathroom.
This is how much work Jim has accomplished this past week. Things can only get better from here. Will post as things begin to take shape.
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