Tuesday, October 4, 2011


This is my beautiful daughter, Whitney.
She is a yoga instructor at the U. The other day I was talking to her and she told me how she was incorporating this quote into her classes this semester.

"I look at autumn as a transition into a new year, I look at nature: The harvest is over, and it's time to clear out. It's an opportunity to till the soil and plant the seeds for next year's harvest. Once we do this for ourselves, we can recommit to what is working for us and set ourselves up to get more of what nourishes us in our lives."

Check her blog out to see how she is using this. It is a great post, and such a reasonable way to look at the fall season. How to transition, through nature into another time in our lives.
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Billie Sue said...

Isn't it great to have wonderful daughters? Congratulations, Mom!

Travelin'Oma said...

Fall is the time I feel like rejuvenating. New Year's is the time I feel like hibernating. I love this quote!