Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hymn of Hope

On Easter Sunday our choir sang some beautiful songs.  Our choir loves to sing together.  We might not be as young as we once were, but we still enjoy the messages and melodies we learn as a choir.  One particular song really touched me this year.  The title was "Hymn of Hope."  The words decribe just how I feel about the Savior and the Easter message.

"Jesus who was scorned, forsaken, smitten, wounded, crucified,
We, with love and trust unshaken, Take Thee as our Hope and Guide.

Watchful Shepherd, mighty Savior; Tender Healer, ever near.
King of kings, by whose free favor we o'er-come each foe and fear.

We are pilgrims, lone and stranger, And we need Thy constant care,
Till we pass earth's toils and dangers, And Thy final triumph share."

As I see the world come alive this spring I am again reminded of all that I have been blessed with.  Because of what the Savior did personally for me I have a feeling of peace and hope.

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