Saturday, May 12, 2012

Travelling through History

We've arrived home after two weeks of one of the best vacations ever.  Seeing the historic and beautiful sights of Williamsburg and the surrounding area was lovely.  Our home away from home was the Marriott at Ford Colony.  Beautiful and peaceful, with gardens everywhere. 

Being able to stroll through old Williamsburg and visit their gardens was my idea of heaven. I couldn't get over the colors and the size of their plants.  Perennials and annuals that I have to nurse all summer, flourish back east in the humid air. 

We enjoyed just walking slowly through each garden, noticing the fencing, the paths, and the varied bushes and trees. 

Toward the end of our Williamsburg stay we were able to take our neighbor out to lunch.  He is serving in the area on his mission and got permission from his Mission President.  So we had a fun afternoon visiting with Michael and his companion.  They are loving their missions.  Couldn't ask for a lovlier spot to spend two years. 
Our first stop after Williamsburg was Mount Vernon.  Just the beginning of our Washington DC tour.  Perfect way to start the next part of the trip.  Will post pictures of Washington DC next time.  For now I am enjoying reliving our fun as I look through these pictures.  Nothing better than being able to see the world and enjoy it with wonderful friends!
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