Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fish Lake 2012

Getting ready for a three day camping trip is simple.  Just fill a large truck, trailer, three SUV's  with just enough room for the family to squeeze in and we're off!!!!

The older boys are old hands at camping, fishing and all that goes with it.  The three little ones became part of the gang.  The learned from the best and were soon fishing, running through the wilds, and getting really dirty just as they should when camping.

The best part was all the smiles, the hugs the laughter.  Nothing better than watching these kids have fun with one another.

There were fish caught.  The biggest one was caught by Hogan, unfortunately it turned out to be lots of seaweed.  Becky showed off her talent as our driver - (eyes closed).  Good think the lake is very large!

Can't resist the smiles!

The hugs...

The fun, just watching the little ones play.

Abby and Becky outdid themselves as our cooks.  We ate the most delicious food.  Can't thank them enough for all their hard work!

Don't know if these two loved the boat at first.  Takes some getting used to.
Loved getting this picture of all the boys.  Next time little Wren will be running around keeping up with them.  Just a bit tiny thing year.  We missed her.

All good things come to an end.  Jake told me this was his biggest adventure of all, but on the third day, he was ready to go home.  (I think his parents were ready to go too.)

"To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter; to be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird's  nest or a wildflower in spring- these are some of the rewards of the simple life."

~John Burroughs

We have enjoyed and been blessed by the pleasures of nature, our family, and much love. 
The simple pleasures. 
Life is good.


mama jo said...

what a fun time...the kids look like that all had a great time together!

whit said...

Cute pictures!! Sad we missed out but we'll be there next time!!