Saturday, August 18, 2012

"Mormon Women: Quest for equality" an article from the Tribune

I was reading the Trib this morning.  The article's in the "Faith" section were very interesting concering many LDS women's quest for equality.  It wasn't so much that they wanted the Priesthood, just more responsibility, more visiblilty.  I consider myself a modern woman.  I don't sit in the backseat where my husband is concerned. I am good at letting people know how I feel.  Yet, as I read this article, I felt (even though everyone is entitled to their own ideas)  that a big point was being missed. I know our Bishop well, and work closely with our Relief Society President.  They go about doing many charitible acts with no one ever knowing.  They ask for neither recognition or praise.

Our church is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.  I am quite sure He never wanted or asked for more recognition as He went about his life's mission.  I picture Him serving quietly, never asking for any praise.  He was a teacher who was trying to teach us to serve, to love unconditionly, to do these quietly. 

I have had many things in my life that have not turned out as I would have expected.  Illness, problems within the family, death of loved ones.  Yet those near and dear to me have stepped forward with loving care, helping when most needed, never asking for anything, just loving and serving when they saw the need.  This to me is what our Church is about.  This is what The Savior taught us to do.  As for me, I have so much responsibility with church callings, family, serving those in my neighborhood, loving and being loved by my friends, that I have no need or time for anymore responsibility and I certainly don't care if anybody knows what I am doing as I go about my life trying, (and I emphasize the word trying, because that's all it is - just trying) to be like Jesus.

1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

You make some great points. What would make these women feel equal? Equal to what? To me it's like an apple trying to be equal to an orange.