Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Cousins Carnival

Last night was our first ever
Cousins Carnival!!
Hosted by my most talented, creative, hard working daughter, Abby - who would rather stay behind the scenes .  She's a full time mom and has a full time job, plus quilts for people on the side.  Then decides to throw a Carnival for her kids and their cousins!  She decorated her yard with lights, prizes and games for all the kids. 
The helpers  Marta and Whitney (and their helpers)
Together, these three girls could be event planners.
Can't have a carnival without the kids!  They came and had tons of fun.  Love getting this group and their moms together. 
Marty told the story of  "The Old Woman who Swallowed a Fly"  The kids loved it. 
They even had the Fly and the horse and the cow to feed to the old woman!
Thank you Abby for giving your home, your time, and most of all your love to our family.


mama jo said...

looks like so much fun....what a great idea!

Abby said...

It was so much fun! Thanks for all your help!

whit said...

So much fun!! Can't wait for next year