Thursday, January 31, 2013

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Peonies and Foxgloves

I've always wanted to have foxgloves and peonies in my garden and never been too successful.  I do have a peony that used to bloom but since has been covered up by a vine, so it my goal to move it this year into my perennial garden and see if I can get it to bloom.
Peonies grow best in the full sun, so mine will never be a success as long as it's hiding behind the vine that has grown so big.  To encourage flowering, they need to be planted on a northern exposure, (which mine is).  It's a good idea to plant in a raised bed because the roots will quickly rot in poorly drained soil. 
Both of these beautiful blooms make lovely cut flowers.  Peonies come back each year in the spring, while foxgloves are bienneial, only making it two growing seasons.  But what beautiful spring flowers they are to look forward to!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Spring Will Come Again

As the winter months go by, I have to remind myself that this perennial is lying dormant in upper garden.  Those lovely blossoms will come out and delight me with their colors.  The snow will melt, the sun will come out and warm the earth..and then one day there will be a bit of green pushing it's way out of the dirt. 
Spring will come again. 
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

More Random Old Pictures...

Even as a tiny baby James was trying to fly!!!  Look at the way he kicks that ball!

And those Bagley beauties!

Marty, the rightful owner is wearing the outfit!

What a cute group!
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Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Walk down Memory Lane

Just a few pictures I found today.  Thought it would be fun to post them.
Grama Adelila, June, and Marie holding Jamey and Tyler.
They were standing outside mom's home. 
I remember it was a Sunday in the summer.

Found this old picture of Whitney (upper right)  thought her little Wren looks quite a bit like her!

Some old pictures of Taylor and Jack,  looking quite a bit like another pair of brother's I know!

Tyler spent sometime with the gang back east.  The boys played basketball with him.
They told me that Tyler probably had quite a few moves "back in the day."
Found these to show him in action!

Love seeing our own as the little ones!
Everybody together for Thanksgiving.

I wonder who Abby is dancing with?

Who would have ever thought this group would be having fun at Disneyland and just a few years
would be all grown up!

Now they're taking their own kids to Disneyland!
(who are those GQ guys in upper right corner?)
More pictures and memories to come.
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Saturday, January 12, 2013

My Gratitude Journal

I have always tried to be positive, to show gratitude for all that I have.  It is something that is a part of who I am.  This past month I have been slipping a bit and need to recommit myself.  There are many things in my life that I cannot personally control.  I can try to remain healthy, but when illness hits, there is nothing to do but ride it out.  When some kind of adversity hits that is beyond my control,  I must also do the same.  When I feel down, there is nowhere to go but up.  When I feel hurt, it is up to me to get rid of those hurt feelings and think of someone else, someone who is in worse circumstances, then go and do something for them.  My feelings and the way I look at things are truly the only things I can control.  
So, I feel that I need to strive to pick myself up.  I need to remember back to when I was ill, when I thought that I would never be able to do anything again without my oxygen, and then realize how far I've come.   I need to go back to writing down the simple things I am grateful for.  I remember sometimes it was just that "the sun was out."  Yet what a miracle that is!  It is hard to get rid of the negatives and focus totally on what is good in this life.. yet there are so many things that are good.

1-The beautiful snow
2- A warm house
3- A comfortable bed
4- clean sheets
5- feather pillows

It's a start.

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.  It turns what we have into enough, and more.  It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.  It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.  Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."
~Melody Beattie

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Everything I Need

As I sit indoors and think about this past year, I am filled with a sense of wonder.
 We've made it through another one.  There have been highs and lows, yet the good times are the things that stand out most in my mind. 

Those first days of spring.  Always it is nature that speaks to me. 
The days become a bit longer.
 The first sighting of green.  That hint in the air that the cold won't last forever.

And then glorious summer.
  Sitting outdoors in the garden. 
Grandchildren running and playing in the yard.
  Their laughter brings smiles even now as I think of those long warm days.

And then as the days become a little shorter, but those colors become more vivid,
my thoughts turn to Thanksgiving and Christmas. Those wonderful holidays that bring family and friends together. 
We celebrate by being together, sharing our love . 
What a lovely way to end the year.

Of course Winter always comes..those cold days that keep me hidden in my warm home. 
But as I wrap up and look out my window at the cold, I can only be grateful for my circumstances.  How fortunate to live in such a beautiful home, so close to our mountains.
 Close to friends, be able to care for little ones. 
Even when the cold winter surrounds, I must always think of these blessings.

For I know that I have all I need to be happy.
 A loving husband, my children, grandchildren, friends, and family. 
Another year to be grateful..
 I have everything.
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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Downtown Abbey

In less than an hour I get to nestle down in my couch and watch the third season of Downtown.

Will the long awaited marriage really take place?

Will Cora's mother be able to hold her own...

When up against Violet?

I'm sure she will. 
Those two will be worth watching even if the rest of the show falls apart!

Although I'm sure nothing about this series will disappoint. 
Can't wait to see them do battle.
Can't wait to see what happens with the long suffering Bates.
And what about poor Edith?
Will Cora ever be allowed to see her grandchild?
What kind of scheme's will come up below stairs this year?
What a lovely way to spend a Sunday evening..
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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Winter Afternoon

"Hey Jim," says polly..
"it's a little quiet around here..want something to do
...maybe we should invite some kids over to play in the snow!"
~About an hour later...

The hill in the backyard is just perfect for little ones
..and for the parents
 and grandparents

Next a little hot chocolate, to dip our toast in
..anybody ready for a nap?